|Model or Intern?|

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A loud beeping went off in my room, snapping me from my dream as my eyelids started to open. My alarm clock on my windowsill was going off. Then Bri burst through the door, her hair all matted and frizzy, she was wearing a black sports bra and black shorts as her pajamas with a big smile painting her face.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's gonna be a great day!" She went over to my window parting the curtains, letting the sunshine through, making a groan escape my mouth as I picked myself up from the bed. "I already got our breakfast ready so we can eat while we're on the way or eat later at work." Bri then went over to my lights, turning them all off before leaving my room, shutting the door behind me.

I could hear the birds chirping outside my window because the room was silent. Smiling, scratching my head, yawning, and swinging my feet over the edge of my bed, my feet hit the rug that was at the foot of my bed. I then helped myself get off my bed and walk to the bathroom that was in between my room and Bri's. She was just about to start brushing her teeth when I got not the bathroom. Going behind her, I went over to where my toothbrush was on the wall.

Our brushes were in a special container that had our own designated hands free toothpaste dispenser and holsters. Then I pushed the little handle inside the dispenser with my brush head as it put some paste on the bristles before standing behind her, brushing my teeth.

Since I was the tallest, I stood in the back so she could have the front because she was shorter than me. Bri looked at my face in the mirror and started to dance like an idiot which made me laugh and also join in her dancing to hype up our morning. After the two of us brushed, washed our brushes, we parted ways, going into our own rooms to get dressed.

I stripped off my PJs before pulling out a pair of black spandex, putting those on before slipping my black skirt on with my white long sleeve V neck shirt, tucking it into the skirt. Then I went over to grab my boots, sit on my bed while putting them on.

Once I got all my clothes on, I took my hairbrush and combing through the nest that was in my hair. The ends of my hair sprung up slightly while combing through them.

I also paired my outfit with my Fossil glasses with were circular with slight cat eyes, the top portion of the frames were dark brown while the other lower half was rose gold, some small dangly Chanel hoop earrings, and my stud necklace that Beth got me for Christmas in our sophomore year.

My makeup was light, covering all my blemishes and imperfections, a light smokey eye, and watermelon flavored lip gloss. I didn't want to go too hard with the mascara because if I did, my eyelashes would look fake since they are naturally thick and long.

Grabbing a few essentials to put in my black Michael Kors purse, which includes, pen, pencil, highlighter, phone, battery pack plus charger, some money, and my earbuds, which I neatly arranged inside before stepping out of the room to feed Juno before I left.

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