|Mistletoe Merrymaking|

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I had met back up with everyone in the locker room to drop off my gifts and grab my spare outfit to change.

Kris had stepped up on the bench and got everyone's attention, "Hey everyone! I'd just like to announce the winners of the anonymous secret ugly sweater contest!" He pulled out a small slip of paper from his right pocket, unfolding it.

I stood side by side with Bri, Jake next to her, "What's this?"

"I mean it really now all makes sense why we had to write some stuff down earlier."

"I guess I missed that then huh?" Shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah." Bri puckered her lips, as we continued watching Kris.

"The best ugly sweaters go to..." He looked up, looking around the room, "Brianna and Sydney for the fireplace and Christmas tree!" The two of us screamed in shock and excitement. Kris had motioned for us to come up to the front.

We were surrounded by happy faces and warm applause by the guys and a bunch of the staff members. Kris gave us a lift up to stand on top of the bench with his hand, kindly we thanked him. We waved to the audience, graciously thanking them for voting us for the best ugly sweaters.

Mike Sullivan then came through, the crowd with a plaque in his hand, handing it to Kris, showing it to the audience.

Andy had stepped in front and snapped a bunch of pictures with the flash on, our bright faces smiling for the camera.

"Come on girls, get snuggled up with Krissy." Andy teased.

The three of us laughed, "Don't worry, I won't bite, girls," Kris teased, wrapping his arms around our backs, placing a hand on the sides of our hips as we got closer to him, grinning for the camera some more. After the clapping had stopped and Andy was finished taking pictures, Kris had given the plaque to Bri to hang on to while I stood on the bench still. Kris had stepped down, helping Bri down with his hand.

"Thank you everyone for voting for us! That was really unexpected," Everyone once again started clapping, "But! It's time for the annual Pens Holiday video! Everything is all set up so everyone get to their marks for filming and then we'll move on to the filming of the fundraising video!"

With my words, everyone then exited the locker room, going to their places for the filming of the Pens Holiday video. I had to go quick change into my Nutcracker costume for the filming while Bri slipped into some regular but festive clothing.

My outfit was festively cute, a soldier-inspired dress with a poofy skirt and long sleeves. It was all black except for the cream trimmings and little silver buttons on my chest. I paired my dress with knee-high black riding boots and a little Nutcracker soldier hat with a white feather on top while my hair was down except for my front strands, pushed to the back being held together by a clasp.

 I paired my dress with knee-high black riding boots and a little Nutcracker soldier hat with a white feather on top while my hair was down except for my front strands, pushed to the back being held together by a clasp

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