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*photo credits go to Brianna briiswriitings because she's actually been to "New" The Igloo and Pittsburgh where I have not so please don't go all God's fist on me for screwing things up 😂*

My hands gripped the wheel as they sweated from anger, "I don't give a fuck if you care about me! I hate your guts and I don't want to talk to you ever again!" I screamed at the car dashboard, my mother on the phone while I was driving down the highway going through Toledo.

"Don't you dare fucking talk to your mother like that Sydney Win-!" She snapped back.

Clenching my jaw, I cut her off, "I don't fucking care if your my mother or not! I never wanna talk or see you ever again! I'm done with your shit! Ya, hear me?! DONE!" I screamed, pressing the end call button with my thumb on the steering wheel.

I then looked down at my phone near the center console, going into my contacts and blocking my mother's number on my phone.

"God! Fucking hate her!" I spat, still driving down the highway.

Eventually, I made my way out of Michigan and into Ohio, arriving in Toledo. The sun was still up and shining bright as ever, still somewhat blinding me through my sunglasses. Then my phone started ringing again. The caller ID showed up on my dashboard display.

A huff escaped my lips, I then pressed the accept button on my wheel, "Hey Bri." My happy voice was fake as I smiled.

"Lemme guess, you got into an argument with your mother again?" She saw right through me.

Again, I huffed, surrendering, "Yeah, I blocked her number though so I won't have to deal with her shit anymore," I then paused, shaking my head. "I'm so fucking done with her," I said lowly.

"Well that's why your moving in with me," I could see Brianna nodding her head through the phone. "To get away from her."

"I really wanted to move in with Bee but I dunno. California is pretty crazy. All the paranormal shit, earthquakes, wildfires, murders."

"Yeah it's pretty crazy out there," There was a slight pause before she spoke again. "The last of your boxes came earlier today and I saved you the time of unboxing them."

"Aw, Bri, you didn't have to!"

"No, no, no, ya would have done the same for me. Hey I'm gonna have to let ya go, I have some more photo editing to do so I can send them to Jade and Thomas to put on the Instagram page."

"Ok you go do that, I'll see ya in a few hours, I just got into Toledo."

"K, please drive carefully Syd, love you."

"Love ya too Bri, bye." I then hit the end call button on my wheel.

I'm a 25-year-old Michigan art school graduate with an artistic talent moving to Pittsburgh looking to land an internship with the Penguins as a graphic designer. I decided to move to Pittsburgh with my friend Brianna because for one Minneapolis had nothing. No jobs. No internships. Nothing. And two, I want to move away from my mother.

She raised me in such a toxic environment and turned me into a bitchy person, just like her. Her always nagging, hounding, yanking on my chain. Expecting me to be perfect, like her, every. Single. Time. It didn't matter if it was school or tennis, or when I took my driver's training class when I was 16, she was always bitching. If she wasn't bitching then she wasn't happy, is my motto for her. Half of my friends flat out hate my mother and some of my relatives dislike her choices and how she raised me. She just kept on pushing me away and that's what she did.

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