|Not A Lunch Date|

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"Oh my fucking God! You two were on fire!" Bri squealed from in the passenger seat while driving down the highway.

"No, we weren't!" I retorted, staring out the passenger seat window. "Remember he has a girlfriend! I slowly turned my head to look at Bri with my eyebrows raised

"K, so, I knew he had a girlfriend but you two like, like-" Bri stuttered, hitting the wheel trying to find the right word.


She snapped her fingers together, "Yeah!" She breathed out. "You two sparked! Like clicked instantly!"

I then went back to looking out the window at the Ohio River. "I'm sure him and his "babe" clicked better than him and I did."

"Ok, Negative Nancy." I could tell Bri was trying to be optimistic and uplifting but nothing was working.

When I got home, I changed, took Juno on a walk, came back home to shower. and stare at Sidney's face in my picture. My MacBook was laying on my bed while I laid on my stomach with my hands propping my head up by my chin, making my face squished as I stared at his face.

Bri knocked on my door before entering, "Hey, I made you some dinner and coffee," Bri came into my room with a tray in her hands, holding plates and a cup of coffee. Bri slowly sat down on my bed with the tray in her lap. "Eggs, crispy bacon, hash browns, coffee, Her lips curled into a frown when I still had a blank expression on my face. She picked up my Adam Banks coffee mug and put it close to my face. "Come on. its coffee." She elongated her words as she slowly swirled the cup in front of my face.

Letting a huff escape my lips, I surrendered and sat up, taking the coffee cup, sipping the dark brown liquid. My muscles finally untangled and slowly started to settle down, "Thanks Bri."

"He really is a catch."


"Sid, he really is a catch." Bri gestured to him on my MacBook which made me hit the escape button, closing the window.

I sipped my coffee before ruffling my hair. "Yeah, I guess he is."

"Liar. Stop lying Syd." Bri scolded slightly.

"I'm not." Exhaling deeply, I then took a sip of my coffee.

"Are too."

"Well besides from that, I'm getting a job at the Barnes and Noble near the arena." Picking up the fork on the tray, picked at my food, not barely eating anything.

"I told you that I can handle the bills for one and for two, probably not near the arena."

Raising my brow at her comment I sat my fork back down, "What are you saying, Bri?"

"Well, I may have forgot one piece of info to tell you."

"And, go on?" I shook my head in confusion

"There's two arenas. There's the Paints Arena for games and occasional practice and the Lemieux Sports Complex in Cranberry Township a few minutes away from here?"

"K, what's the fuss?" Again I picked up my fork and finally took some bites of my scrambled eggs.

"Well, the Pens are practicing there for the rest of the time. If you take the job at the one in Pittsburgh, you'll be taking a 30-minute drive to and from one job, BUT, I do know there is a Barnes and Noble near the practice arena."

"Ok, good to know." Nodding my head, I took a bite of a strip of bacon.

Then my phone started ringing from a random number. I accepted the call and cleared my throat. "Hello, may I ask who is calling?"

𝐬𝐲𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐲 | 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐛𝐲Where stories live. Discover now