|Secret Santa|

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The next morning, I was up at 6. I was sent Sidney's schedule for his busy morning. He had to get up earlier than me, well, the whole team.

They were going to the children's hospital to deliver gifts and the photographers didn't need to be present. Andy wanted to give us more time to sleep since we had a busy day too, but it was going to be a fun type of busy day.

I was texting Sid about his morning schedule, making sure he had his jersey and his Santa hat for when he saw the kids at the hospital. Then I was thinking of everything he needed to bring. Secret Santa gift, ugly sweater, and comfy shoes.

Bri and I had already got our Secret Santa gifts all wrapped up with fancy wrapping paper and tied up with ribbon in fancy bows, placed in gift bags.

Outside, it was snowing, once again, but it was still dark when I started making some breakfast for the two of us.

I had made crispy bacon, sausage patties, fluffy scrambled eggs, and hash brows with freshly brewed hot coffee and OJ.

The sun had just started rising in the sky because the buildings reflected the light into the windows, I then went over to the TV and turned it on, going to YouTube and clicking on a video with ambient fireplace sounds and light Christmas music with the video of the crackling fire displayed in full on the screen. I then turned on every Christmas lights in our apartment before setting down the food on the table.

Bri then came out of her room, still in her pajamas and her hair all messy, "Syd," She sighed happily, making me turn around, "Why are you making all this food, it's just the two of us?" She yawned mid-sentence.

"Well since we have time before we go to work, I figured we could actually sit and eat breakfast together," I emphasized.

Her eyes got big slightly, "Your such an amazing best friend." She wined, extending her arms out for a hug.

I trotted over, also still in my pajamas, "I know! You don't have to remind me." The two of us embraced each other in a warm hug.

Then Bri helped set the table, while I brought over the coffee and OJ. The two of us sat across from each other, sitting on the sides of the tables with the benches, and Juno hopped up on the chair in between us.

I smiled, Juno sniffed the air, smelling the food, "Good morning little beasty." I then scratched his ears. Juno knew better than to not take food from the table or counters unless given to, he was very smart and well trained when I adopted him. He just sat in the chair like a good well behaved old man.

The two of us took our servings of food, placing them on our plates, "So I know we never got to talk last night, but how was your date?" I wiggled my brows.

Bri was eating a sausage patty, she seemed really excited when I asked, so she chewed her food faster before swallowing, "Oh my god! So so amazing! Like we were going to the exotic restaurant but they were closed but it kinda seemed to fancy for me, but Jake was like all frustrated and upset but we went to the Spaghetti Factory instead-"

"Omg yes!"

"I know right! And we got that honking order of food on the menu, ya know like the one that's probably like 30 bucks or something!"

"Holy shit, so no wonder why there's so many takeout boxes in the fridge." I laughed.

"Oh I know right! But we got into a food fight and the waiters forgot to make us pay!" She wheezed, which made us start laughing our guts out.

"OH MY GOD!" I slapped the table with my palm a few times while laughing. "I SERIOUSLY WOULD HAVE PAID MONEY TO SEE THAT!"

Bri wiped the tears from her eyes, "Oh I know right!" She then claimed herself down, "But we kissed."

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