The girl slowly started to calm down. The first two time Kelly attempted to calm her down the girl flinched and cried harder. She must have been through alot...

Soon she was back asleep. Kelly sighed and stroked her cheek with the back of her hand, "Poor girl...must have had a hard life." Kelly looked over her and noticed her shirt had risen some. She gasped, "Lance!" Kelly then covered her mouth. My eyes went to her stomach.

I slowly moved the shirt up, scar after scar, brusies everywhere. Some were a light yellow; some were dark black and purple. There was no way these were all from the crash.

"She was abused..." I whispered, horrifed from the sight I looked away. Kelly let out some silent tears. This must have been relentless force to have done so much damage, wolves heal quicker than humans and to have these kinds of bruises is insane.

"Now we really can't let her go! Rogue or not!" Kelly cried. I smile saddly and kissed Kelly's forhead. At least she'll be safe now, whoever she is...

~~~~~Leah's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~

I blink slowly and bring my hand to my head again, a soft fabric layered it. "What?" I looked down, my left arm from my  shoulder to my wrist were wrapped in gauze, and left leg from my hip to my ankle were banged. My right knee proped up by a tower of pillows. I looked around  the room confused. It was...cozy. A large closet, two windows on opposite sides of the room, a desk, and a cute night stand beside the twin sized bed. I stood up on my elbows and took it all in again then spotted the door. I carefully and quietly got up from the bed, the pain making me wince with each step but not enough to make me lay back down. My bare feet cold against the dark wood floors I made my way to the door. Slowly I opened the door and peeked through the crack. There was a woman cooking in a small kitchen at the end of a small hallway. I heard soft humming as she worked her way around the kitchen. A door opened at the opposite side of the room and the same middle aged man from ealier moved next to the woman. They kissed softly and embraced each other. 'Awe!' Ivy says.

'Ivy shut up! Gotta focus,' I scold.

"Did she wake?" the man asked, the women shook her head and lowered her head to rest on his shoulder. Her blonde curls bounced from side to side when she shook her head. She was wearing a beautiful purple top and blue boot cut jeans. He had chocolate brown hair that was spiked up in the front. He wore a simple flannel shirt and dark jeans. They complimented each other greatly, a simple and sweet couple.

"That's eight hours she's been asleep...maybe we should go get the pack nurse?" EIGHT HOURS?!? I've been asleep for nearly EIGHT HOURS?! Oh god what about Hailey! She must be freaking out!

I slowly slide through the door,"Ehm...hello?" I Say softly my voice still strained and scratchy. Their eyes darted to me and joy filled them to the brim.

"You're awake!!" the woman cheered! I smiled softly, "Oh geez you must want some water huh!?" She says reaching over to get me a glass.

I drank it fast and sighed in relief already feeling better, "Thank you. Thank you very much for taking care of me. I guess I was in some pretty bad shape." I shrugged and smiled sweetly. Nice people were not common in my life, this was refreshing.

"Really gave us a scare!" the man chirped and chuckled. I smiled again but started to wobble on my feet as the room started to spin.

"Oh! I got ya!" the woman said grabbing hold of my good arm and leading me to the chair at the table.

"Oh um, my name is Leah by the way," They smiled and looked at each other.

"This is my husband Lance and I'm Kelly!" she announced happily, I nodded. They seem so sweet!

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