Lance & Kelly

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Pain. Agonizing pain. It hurts all over...

I flutter my eyes open softly. God my head hurts, I touch my hand to my forehead and feel something sicky. I blink heavily and look at my fingers, "Blood," I struggled to say and keep my eyes open. Everything was swaying and fuzzy. I unbuckled my seat belt and fell complete into the passenger seat. "Ahhhh! My arm!" I hiss in pain, clutching my forearm closest to the driver side window. There was a giant piece of glass stabbed into my flesh. I took a heavy breath and tried to lift myself up. I looked around and the truck was almost completely on its side. A tree and hill sandwiched it into place.

I look around slowly, everything was moving so fast without my help. I picked up my jacket that was moved from the passenger seat to the tipped floorboard. I wrapped it around my hand. I took a deep breath and smashed my hand with its makeshift glove into the back window that led to the bed of the truck.  I used the cloth to clear all the glass before I carefully shimmied through the small space. When out of the bed of the truck I  take a small step out and fall to the ground. I gasp and hold my breath. There was alot of blood coming from my leg specifically when another piece of glass lodged into it. I hadn't even felt it before I was out of the truck.

I took deep breaths to try to calm myself. There's also this light burning in my neck, it hurts but not as much as my arm or leg at the moment. I sigh and lay on my back completely on the ground. My chest rising and falling slowly my eyes getting more heavy than I thought possible.

"I don't think we can make it up the hill by ourselves..." Ivy says as I glance up. It's pretty steep and how my leg is...I doubt I can even make it back onto my feet.

"Hello? Is someone there?" A male voice spoke. My breath hitched, please no. Don't be this cruel Moongoddess, I'm hurt enough and people won't do anything but make it worse! I ducked behind a close set of three trees.

"I won't hurt you...I can smell you're a wolf," He shouted again sounding closer. When he spotted the car he sounded  worried as his foot steps got faster. I heard a slap of metal and saw the top of his head duck down to look into the truck. "What if I'm to late?" he said nervously, "What if they wondered off and they are injured!? No way they could  fend for themselves! Oh Mercy is that blood?!" he questioned. He began pacing and inspecting the truck. He seemed as if he genuinely cared about my health from how he was acting. "I know! I'll follow their sent!!" he said about to shift.

I took a deep breath "Help," I called from where I was behind the trees. That  was all I was able to say, my throat ached and burned at the movement, igniting the pain in my neck yet again. As soon as I had made my presence known I fainted. So much pain.

~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~

~~~~~Stranger's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~

"Honey...she's badly hurt.." I say to my wife, Kelly, she looks at me with a worried expression thats been plastered on her beautiful face since I arrived with this strange girl. Kelly looked back to the room where a girl lay in our spare bed.

"What if she's a rogue, Lance...she could be dangerous! I don't want to lose you!" Kelly said worry in her eyes, "I just don't feel safe with her in our house, we don't know anything about her!" I sigh.

"Lovey-boo nothing will happen...I promise okay!" I reasure her and kiss her passionatly. She kisses me back and then rests her head on my shoulder. "She's been asleep this whole time. She's not hurting us while she's asleep. When she wakes up we will handle it, okay?"

"NOOO! STOP IT! PLEASE NO!" the girl screams. Kelly and I run to the door, the young girl maybe eighteen or so is flailing around on the bed and ripping at her neck. I run to her side and pin her legs down. This is the third time she's done this in 3 hours. Kelly  ran to her side aswell and tries to restrain her arms.

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