Unbelievable Miracles

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~~~Blake's P.O.V.~~~~~

As soon as we were in the car, I started the engine and sped off to the main road. The car just didn't seem to go fast enough though we were there in a matter of minutes. The trees, the people, all the buildings besides the one with the giant red cross blurred. I wasn't sure if I even touched the brakes once during our race there.

"She told me," Leah said while looking down at the boys. "I should've known."  Known what?

"Babe?" I asked out glancing from the road to her and back. She didn't answer me but kept talking to the baby. She put her hand on his chest and tears started flowing down her cheeks again.

"Luna I didn't want this to happen," she cried and whispered more under her breath. I bit my cheek, what was I supposed to do? Her family is gone. She lost them right in front of her again. There is no way I can make this better.

I glanced down to babies. The living baby was weirdly quiet, I'm not a doctor but I don't think that's good. He looked at Leah so calmly and it seemed to only make her cry more. Clark I think his name is, he looked like a weird mix of Kelly, Lance, and surprisingly Leah for some reason. He's beautiful,  probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Kenneth also had the same looks but my heart hurt while looking at him. Clark almost seemed to have a glow around him but maybe I'm seeing things. My adrenaline was making me shake.

We managed to pull up close to the front doors; Leah held the babies and I had a firm hand around her waist and my other hand gripped the diaper bag with an iron clutch. We quickly entered through the glass doors to the hospitsl. The lobby was packed, alot of people had gotten hurt in that attack. We rushed to the front desk and was met with a older lady behind a glass wall with a small opening in the bottom just big enough for a hand to fit through.  "Hi is there an emergency?" The lady at the front desk asked after she handed a guy, with bloody gaze wrapped around his arm from his wrist to his shoulder, a clipboard.

"Yes my Girlfriend's family was attacked and she gave birth- the babies oh um I guess baby...needs to be seen." I said quickly and wrapped my arm around Leah. Tears ran down her cheeks and she dropped her head onto my shoulder.

'I'm sorry love,' I told her through our connection, she just nodded her head.

"Oh dear! Okay we will take them to get checked out right away follow me!" She said and rushed to the side door. She lead us into a room and instantly two nurses took Clark and Kenneth from Leah's arms and two other people with a white coat started checking them. Leah didn't want to let go, but they reassured her that they were here to help not hurt. It didn't help her nerves that for the first time since his birth Clark cried out when she let go of him. They asked which was born first and we had just manage to tell them Kenneth was first when the doctors ran through the curtains.

"Someone get them out of here!" One of the white coats, that I presume is one of the doctors called out. The first nurse ushered us out and let us stand right behind the sheet. Leah nervously bounced her leg as we hear the clanking of equipment and the cries from Clark.

"He'll be okay,"I told her softly. For the first time since everything started she smiled at me. It was a weak and worried smile, but I'll take what I can get.

"He's going to be okay," she repeated back to me and took a deep breath. I kissed her forehead and pulled her into a warm embrace. I could still feel her heart race but she visibly relaxed at least enough to stop shaking.

"Baby B: nineteen inches even," we heard someone announce from the other side of the sheet. Wow that's a big baby and wasn't he early by a couple weeks? "Eight pounds- eight ounces ," they say again. Is this a super baby? Kenneth didn't seem that much different than Clark ealier, Clark couldn't have been that big either they both looked very sickly.

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