'Ermm,' Kree looks between Angel and I. 'Can it wait?'

Before Angel replies, I cut in. 'You know what? It's fine. I'll just get a ride with Mrs. Park.' I walk off before Kree can stop me. Shutting the car door as I sit down, I glance up and catch Mrs. Park looking at me through the rearview mirror with a solemn smile.


Mrs. Park dropped me off at my house and I was hoping to go off to bed without anybody noticing but my mom and dad are in the kitchen making hot cocoa.

'Hey, sweetie, how was your night?' Mom asks.

'What?' I'm confused. Do they already know?

'The dance?' Dad questions.

'Oh.' That seems so long ago, it doesn't even feel like the same night. 'Yeah, that was good, all good.'

'Any drama?' Mom prods.

'Uh, nothing memorable. I'm going to go to bed, night.' I say walking towards the stairs.

'Night honey.' Mom sounds concerned but I don't stick around to see her face.

Flopping down onto my bed, I hear buzzing coming from my purse.


Have you heard from Kree?


No, just got in, why?


Hmm they were acting both weird when you left

Kree was more concerned about you, asking if you were alright, but Angel kept persisting they go home

He didn't even kiss me goodbye


Maybe he was just tired?

Bcoz I certainly am from all of the questions


Hmm maybe. A just seemed a little agitated and on edge

But you're right, maybe he was just tired.


Wait until tomorrow to see how he is then


Will do. Thanks bitch, Night😘


Night 😘

I don't even think about Kerrys' concerns, as I change into my oversized hoodie and collapse onto my bed.


I head on downstairs towards the smell of pancakes and see my parents dressed and ready for work.

'Don't use ever get a day off?' I ask, rubbing my eyes.

'Death never takes any days off.' Mom kisses my temple, grabbing a pancake.

'Mom, dad. I need to talk to use about something.'

Dad turns off the stove, pulls out a stool and sits down. 'This sounds ominous.'

'So, you know how I was being kind of vague last night when I came in?' They nod. 'Well I'd just come from the police station.' They look shocked. 'The police turned up at the dance and took us all in for questioning because they think that one us killed Thierry and Mrs. Lewandowska.'

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