Chapter 10

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The trio stood awkwardly in Marinette's apartment. They had just seen Adrien, after such a long  time. 

"Um, I guess I better get going now," Alya started. She turned for the door, when she felt a hand. She jerked her head to see Marinette looking at her with a sad smile. Then she looked at Nino. It struck her heart, and suddenly, the space felt smaller.

"Stay...both of you guys. What just happened...I can't be by myself tonight. Please?" Marinette begged the former couple. She looked at Nino with her pleading bluebell eyes, then she looked at Alya. 

"Alright, fine, anything for a friend." Nino smiled softly. Marinette grinned then turned to Alya with hope, hope that her not-so-bestie best friend, Alya would stay too. But Alya grunted and frowned.

"I'm sorry...I can't, I just can't, okay? You and Nino can just spend the rest of the night here. I'm going home. Bye, Marinette," Alya began. Marinette's facial expression changed into a hurt feeling. Alya grumbled again and nodded at Nino. Nino frowned at Alya, and put an arm around Marinette. Alya looked at the possible couple, with disgust. She scoffs.

"You two deserve  each other, unbelievable, how could you Marinette?! After I  comforted you  after Adrien died, and cause Nino to break up with me. Everything really  is your fault. You couldn't even save Chat Noir, and you're a super heroine! Some hero you are. And you made Nino break up with me! Because you just couldn't move on!" Alya screamed at Marinette in her face. Her face red and hot. Her hair disheveled. Marinette's eyes tinged and was on the verge of tears.

"Get. Out" Marinette stammered. Alya scoffed again, ready to punch Marinette. but Nino stopped her. He looked at her with anger.

"Alya, she said for you to get out. This is her property, not yours. And don't you dare  touch her. She did nothing wrong, how could you say those things to her, after we had an amazing moment. We were reunited just for 5 minutes. But it was worth  it." Nino ranted, and stuck up for Marinette. Marinette blushed lightly. Alya turned around quickly and stormed out. Nino sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Thank you, Nino...y-you really d-didn't have to do that." Marinette uttered out. Nino smiled softly and hugged her. 

"Marinette, of course I had to, Alya was being a basic jerk. I don't understand why she would do that. Or say those things, especially  to you." Nino said. Marinette felt her heart warm up, and blushed. Nino broke out the hug, and smiled at Marinette. They were just barely inches away from each other. Marinette wanted to close the space between them. But she knew she couldn't. 

"Well, I am tired  as heck. What if we just go to bed tonight? Today has been..." Marinette tried to figure out the words to explain the day. Nino smiled.

"Eventful? Yeah, understandable. I'll sleep on the couch, and keep watch for any akumas." Nino gestured. Marinette smiled and nodded and headed for bed. Nino smiled at her behind her back. He laid in the couch, and thought to sleep.

What they didn't know, was that Farfalla was planning something far more devious, than Hawk Moth has ever has planned. And that ended in Ladybug dying.

{Author's Note} OKIE I KNOW THIS CHAPTER IS KINDA SHORT! bUT, I wont be mentioning Farfalla's plan until probably chapter twelve or thirteen, because my next chapter is gonna focus on Chloe, aka Queen Bee! Then on chapter 11, I will be focusing on Chase again! We haven't heard from the smol boi in a while. SO YAY!  ANYWAYS! Any thoughts on this chapter? even tho it was short as heckkkk. OKAY WELL THATS IT FOR NOW!

Author Out!

ps: i might not be able to post for a bit, bc my chromebook broke! im using a different one but its not mine. hopefully ill be able to get a new one soon!

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