Chapter 8

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"Mr. Agreste! H-hi, it's been a while since I've last saw you." Marinette uttered out. She noticed that Gabriel didn't seem so cold anymore. It looks like he's changed. Like she did. It was almost like they switched personalities. Marinette being the cold and distant one, and Gabriel being, oddly, bubbly and energetic. 

"Yes, it has been...ever since my beloved son passed away because" Gabriel admitted. the duo's eyes got big as saucers. Gabriel just admitted that he was Hawk Moth. The man who terrorized all of Paris. The guy who killed, Chat Noir, a-and Adrien Agreste. His own son. They didn't have to try to investigate him, and harass him. The shake the truth out.

"I know you guys are here to try to shake out the truth out of me, because I have been terrorizing poor Nino Lahiffe. Telling him to run errands for me, or else, Alya Cesaire would suffer the same fate, as my son. But I wouldn't do that of course. I never intended for anyone to get killed." Gabriel explained. He rubbed his temples and sighed. Marinette wanted to punch Gabriel in the face, and yell at Nino for not telling her. She looked at Gabriel in disgust. Gabriel frowned.

"I don't deserve to be free. I have to come forward to the authorities. Pay for my price. I deserve the death sentence. I killed my own son. I didn't mean to of course, but because of me, he had to suffer the consequences of him being dead." Gabriel cried. He broke down in tears. Amelie tried to console him, but he shrugged her off. 

Marinette and Nino, looked at him with pity. All he wanted was his wife back, and he accidentally killed his own son, without knowing it. Nino heard footsteps echo in the mansion. It's probably Nathalie. But to his surprise, was...Adrien? ADRIEN? Nino gasped in horror. Marinette confused, looked at Nino, and looked in the direction of where Nino was looking. She gasped in horror, and felt dizzy. Before she knew it, everything went black.

"Marinette! Wake UP!"


"Madam Dupain-Cheng! She is waking up!"

Marinette, confused wakes up, and looks around her. Where was she. She certainly wasn't at the doctors, but she wasn't in the main room anymore. She was in...Adrien's  room. She gasped, and looked at Felix.

"A-ADRIEN?! Omigosh, omigosh, I thought you were dead! W-what HAPPENED! CHAT NOIR WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!" Marinette sobbed. Felix looked at her with a deadly glare. She thought that he was Adrien? H-HOW? Well okay, him and Adrien looked identical, but Felix has his hair combed. Well, not today, it is looking a little messy. Then he understood. He rolled his eyes.

"Look miss, I'm not Adrien. I'm Adrien's cousin. Felix. Felix Graham De Vanily." Felix narrowed his eyes to Marinette. Marinette grumbled.

"Oh...Felix. Yeah the dude, who sabotaged the videos we made for Adrien to make him feel better. Yeah, oh! Did ya ever apologize for that? NO!" Marinette voice cut sharply into Felix's ears. Felix grimaced. Nino looked at Felix with total disgust. 

"You're Felix?" Nino said in shock. Felix gave him a look, like duh I just told you that. Nino crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. He helped Marinette up. 

"We should go" Nino said coldly. Marinette agreed and got up. Felix looked at them coldly. After they left the room, leaving him with his mother and uncle, he frowned. Oh how much he missed Adrien. He sighed and left the room.

Marinette and Nino angrily left the mansion together.  Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID. Nino stopped in a halt.

"Marinette, what just happened in there, d-do you want to talk about it?" Nino stumbled on his words. Marinette stopped, and turned around and walked to Nino furiously. Then she hugged him tightly and started crying. Nino in shock, hesitated to hug her back, but then he smiled, and hugged her back. He nuzzled his head into her hair. She smelled like strawberries. They hugged each other for a long time.

 They didn't notice, Alya saw them. Pain struck her eyes, and before she knew it, she was crying. She walked away from the duo. Nino and Marinette need each other. Alya thought. She stopped herself and thought positive thoughts. She can't get akumatized. Marinette doesn't need that. And neither does Nino. But she wanted to cry so so bad. She walked away, and started looking for Luka. 

Ninonette (Marinette and Nino XD) broke the hug and started walking to Marinette's house. They walked in silence and once they arrived there, Nino called out to Marinette. He looked a little flustered.

"C-can I stay at your apartment says I have to be evicted...soon." Nino asked awkwardly. Marinette smiled.

"Of course you can, Nino. We're best friends, it's what we do for each other." Marinette smiled. She grimaced at saying the we're best friends part, but she didn't want to lead Nino on. She had to figure out her feelings first. And her mental health. Nino beamed with happiness.

"Thanks Marinette! You've got a golden heart." Nino smiled. Marinette blushed lightly, but not enough for Nino to see. She smiled. 

"Well, I gotta go, Mari, but see you around?" Nino said his farewells. Marinette smiled, and entered her apartment. 

"Wow Marinette, you and Nino?" Tikki said aloud, when they made sure that no one was there to eavesdrop. Marinette blushed but shook her head. 

"No! Tikki, I have to figure out my feelings first. I don't want to lead on Nino. Anyways, I can't do that to Alya. She'd be heartbroken." Marinette sighed. Tikki looked at her longing. 

"But what about your happiness. Doesn't your happiness matter too?" Tikki wondered out loud. Marinette sighed and looked at Tikki. She looked out her window and sighed. She wished that Chat Noir could come through her window and say, 'Hey, purrriincessss' and watch movies with him, and cuddle with him, and rant of her problems, just like good times. But, then the night somehow read her mind, and Marinette saw a black figure leap into the night. It couldn't have possibly been Chase. This figure was far more bigger than Chase was. Was it...him? Marinette shook her head. It couldn't be! Marinette trembled and looked at the figure more.  She turned away from the window and looked at Tikki with horror in her eyes. 


"Hey princess!" Chat Noir beamed. Marinette turned around and what revealed, was himself, was Chat Noir. 

{Author's Note} So...whaddya think? Are you shocked, scared, confused, how are you feeling. AHH this chapter made me, wanna scream! I am shocked lmfao. So I'm going to try to maintain a schedule. But for now, I am going to try to post as much as I can to make up for lost time. I am a little nervous about the upcoming chapters though. But also, what did you think about the Ninonette scenes? (theres more coming up!) I really like the ship. Also, what could Alya possible be trying to do with Luka? any thoughts? theories, I would LOVE to read them :) Anyways, thank you for sticking with me! 

Author OUT!

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