Chapter 19

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I drove home, ignoring Rachel's piercing stare as I drove away from her. I never wanted that to happen. It never was suppose to happen. However the damage is done the question now is, do I tell Katlyne or just pretend like it didnt happen? If i pretend like it never happened, and Rachel finds me and mentions it to katlyne, she will get mad at me and maybe throw me out. Then I would never see my sons again.

Thinking about what to do, I almost rear ended a car. Screatching to a stop, I exhaled slowly, getting my breathing back to normal. As the car in front of me pulled forward, I thought of the kiss with rachel. It reminded me of the old times with her, the times before she broke me down and stepped on my heart. I wanted to become friends with Rachel again, but the memory of how bad she hurt me is keeping me from making peace with Rachel, and for that matter my former best friend, who I havent spoken to in three years.

A horn honked behind me, bringing me back to the present. I pulled forward still thinking about Rachel. This is what she wanted though. I was sure of it. She wanted me to think about her constantly, until I couldn't take it anymore and broke up with Katlyne and went back to her. It wasn't going to happen though. I love Katlyne more than anything and want to be with her forever. Really i think Rachel is just jealous because I have a family with Katlyne and she thought it should be us all the time, but it was her fault.

Katlyne's POV

I woke up around 8:00 am to a three part cry. The boys were hungry. I looked at the place next to me and Niall was gone. A note was on his pillow.

Dear Katlyne

I hope to be back befor eyou wake up but if I am not, I will bre back soon. Don't worry about anything. I will be back to help you with the boys in a few hours. Hopefully before noon.

I love you alot.

Niall xx

What was he doing?

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