Chapter 4

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I was so happy the next morning. I had a great dream. So what if I was dreaming about my teacher and I having a family together. I quickly dressed in my uniform for today. Green t-shirt with a red skirt. I had my normal black flats on. Doing my hair took a little more time. I thought of teasing it, but that didn't look good. Then I thought of straighting it, but my flat iron was broken. I finally decided to put it in a loose bun. I applied make-up as quick as I could and hurried downstairs. I grabbed an orange and a banana. You maybe thinking: Why doesn't she eat beakfast? I've never been a big breakfast eater. I went to the fridge and got out a protien shake and stuffed it into my bag.

"Bye Mom. Bye Dad!" I shouted so my parents could hear. Phillip and William were just coming down the stairs to grab some toast and eggs as I headed out the door.

William, whose hair was sticking up in all directions, stopped in the middle of a yawn. Phillip almost ran into the wall staring at me. It was odd for me to be leaving even before they get up, whick was almost an hour, but I wanted to see if Mr. Horan was there this morning so I could talk with him. I waved to my brothers with a grin. They waved back, bewildered.

As I passed Mr. Gregs house, he was picking up his morning paper. I waved cheerily to him. He cocked and eyebrow, but waved back polietly. I guess no one has ever seen me out this early by myself. I quickly ate my banana and orange, tossing the peeling in the grass on the side of the road. I drank part of my protien shake, then put the other half back into my bag.

Five minutes later, I was walking into the English building. I was litterally holding my breath, hoping that Mr. Horan would be there. Not many people were here at 7:00 in the morning. I glance into his room. It was dark. I silently cursed. i got up early for nothing.

"Stalking's a bad habit." I heard a fimiliar voice say.

I turned to see Mr. Horan there with a coffee a Mcdonald's breakfast bag. I smiled. He returned my smile with a smirk. "What's with the smirk?" I asked moving so he could unlock the door.

He shrugged. "I just haven't seen any student so happy to be here. Or could it be because I'm here?" He questioned, opening the door for me.

"Don't get all smart-ass teacher-like on me." I said sharply, with a hint of teasing.

"Why not? I like to be the smartass teacher." He gave me a toothy grin. I chuckled. "So what are you doing here so early?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Just wanted to get out early."

Mr. Horan nodded in an unbelieveable way. He went to his desk and sat his breakfast on it. He had two rolling chairs, so he gave the one he used yesterday to me, which happened to be the big black one, and he used the small rolling red one. I thanked him and pulled out my half drunk protien shake.

He looked at it confusingly. "You are the last person who needs to loose weight." He commented sharply.

"Well, thank you very much, but it's not to loose weight. I just like the taste of it. Very fruity." i took a drink.

Mr. Horan took out some wrapped up stuff with three hashbrowns. "Want the buscuits? I don't eat them too much." He unwrapped two beacon cheese and egg buscuits.

"If you don't want them. No need to waste food." I said. he handed me the buscuits. "Thanks." Our hands touched, sending chills up and down my spine. We looked into eachother's eyes. I think I saw longing, but I had chills, so I'm the last person to guess at what was in his eyes.

I wanted there to be something  between us so bad. Though, I doubt there will be. He's a teacher, he dispises student/teacher relationships, so I'm left to dream about what I can't have.

"So, what are you doing here? Really?" He asked after he ate one egg fold.

I pondered on whether to tell him the truth or not. If I did, there is so many thins that he could do. Good and bad.

"I-Um-uh-I wanted to see you." I stammered. I stared at the floor embarrassed.

"Really? Why?" There was something in his voice, I just wasn't sure what it was. Happiness?

"I--uh-have a cr-crush o-on you." I cleared my throat, still watching the floor.

He didn't say anything. I took a peak. He was watching me. I guess he was thinking on how to let me down easily.

"You know, I would be lying if I said that you weren't atracktive." I whipped my head up to face him.

Did he just admit to liking me?


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