Chapter 18

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I hardly slept that night because I couldn't stop thinking of Rachel. She hurt me so much. What could she want? I asked myself. It was hard to tell because she was unpredictable. As I got up, racoon eyed from lack of sleep, I tried to remember the last time I talked to Rachel, other than last night. Two years ago.

"Niall please stop! I'm sorry, please!!!!"

"You're a slut!!!" I shouted to a crying, pleading younger Rachel. 

I got in my car and never saw or talked to her 'til last night. I didnt know what Rachel had planned, I admit I was a little scared because I have a family now and she might want to screw it up for me. I drank a cup, or pot, of coffee before I jumped in the shower. I quitely put on some clothes and left a note for Katlyne. I hoped she wouldnt be too mad.

I grabbed my car keys and headed for Rachel and my "place". Really it was just a split tree on the edge of a meadow outside of town, almost in the next town, where Rachel and I met and lived togather for a while. The whole drive there I was terrified of Rachel. I always was afrad of her, even when we were dating. As I turned into a parking lot, I saw one other car which could only be Rachel's. I slowly got out and made my way to the tree.

I recognized a beatiful woman that made my stomach churn. I swallowed a gag and moved on. "I'm here, what do you want?" I demanded when I was close enough, but far enough away that I could make a break for it if I needed too.

"Niall, Im so happy to see you," She cooed as if two years ago hadn't happened. She jumped down from the low branch and ran to me open armed.

As she got closer, I dodged her. She turned and looked at me with a confused look on her face. Obviously, she HAS forgotten what happened two years ago. I stepped back a few steps, putting distance between us.

"What?" I demanded again.

"I wanted to tell you that I still love you. I forgive you," She said.

WHAT THE HELL!!!??? SHE FORGIVES ME!!!!!!???????

"I--what---huh--" I stammered.

"I forgive you for what you did, what you said, I want you back," She repeated.

"I--uh---I have a-- a famiy now," was all I was able to say. I was too dumbfounded to say anything else.


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