Chapter 1: Lets meet?

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I do not own OHSHC I only own Mia and Ai

Kyoya was walking down the club rooms hallway when something suddenly ran into him. His glasses flew five feet in a diagonal direction as his notebooks fell in front of him. "Sorry!" He could hear a soft voice speak. He heard the putter pattee of someone's feet walking over to where his glasses were. All kyoya could see were blobs of blurt until he finally stood up. The girl put his glasses on his head and kyoya could see a gorgeous girl around the age of 16 with Crimson red eyes and Snow White hair with a little black at the end staring at him. She gave him a soft closed eye smile for a fraction of a second as she apologized once again "sorry I was in a rush...." She said as she gave Kyoya back his notebook. Kyoya looked at her emotionless face and started to blush. He covered his face with his hand as she looked back and said "I'm sorry I have to go..." She then rushed forward and Kyoya noticed she was wearing black spandex shorts along with a light blue zip up jacket with the Ouran school symbol on the left breast. She soon disappeared in a double door room not to far from the host clubs room.

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