Chapter 9: I is for insecurities

Start from the beginning

When I get out of the shower, it's only six-thirty. With plenty of time to spare, I sit around the short tea table and read up some general knowledge on any topic I can think of while waiting for my hair to dry. Today, it's biology, more specifically, medical science. Did you know that sometimes, a person could get a fever from stress? It's called a psychogenic fever, also known as emotional fever, and according to Takakazu Oka, it is treated with psychotropic drugs instead of a regular fever medication. It also has different symptoms in people. Some develop "extreme high core body temperature" according to Oka, while some show "persistent low-grade high [core body temperature]."(1)

"No! Not enough time!" Hunnie mumbles in her sleep, interrupting my imaginary emergency. "The lightener won't have enough time!"

She's probably really nervous since her exams will be held next week, moreover in front of big-shots like that guy with the golden Mohawk whose face is posted in a huge billboard in Gangnam. She's so cute. I can understand why someone would be nervous about that, but I don't think there's a proper reason for her to get that nervous. I've seen what she does on all her wigs and sketches. She'll be fine.

"Y/n! Your hair!" she shouts. My head snaps towards her. My hair? "I'm so sorry, I picked up the wrong volume and now your hair is melting." Wait, what? "I think I can glue them back on and no one will notice, it'll be fine!" she then suddenly stops mumbling and the room goes quiet again. Just what is she doing to me in her sleep? What will she do to me in real life? I feel like I'm heating up. Is it possible that I'm getting a psychogenic fever?


I show up at seven-thirty and, as usual, manager Unnie has already started the opening preparations.

"Unnie, among us, I think you're the workaholic."

"It's called being dedicated."

"I'm also just dedicated!"

"Dedicated is doing one's job whole-heartedly. Being a workaholic is trying to take other people's shifts cause you like to work so much."

"I don't absolutely love working."

"Then why are you constantly working, unless it's to pay your bills. Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"What? No, no. I'm fine and I have spares every month even after the bills."

"Then why do you work yourself this much?" she asks. I don't say anything. After all, I don't know the answer to it myself.


Our conversation is forced to a stop due to the sudden wave of customers entering the premise. There are two big groups. The first group consists of formal-attired workers with their suitcases, and the second appears to be a family or perhaps a group of close friends. Both groups decide to have their order in. The group with the formal attire sits at the long rectangular table, working with their laptop and papers that are most probably related to whatever project they are working on. The other is seated at a circular table on the sofa area at the other end of the coffee shop. Getting their order ready takes a while, after all, they are large in number and they order all at once. It keeps us occupied enough until the next customer arrives. Then the next. And the next after that.

At twelve, things have finally calmed down. Everyone left except for a man who is sipping on his cup of hot latte in relief with his adorable toddler by his side after what he described as 'just another tiring park-play-date'

The door opens, revealing a cheery familiar customer – whom I refer to as the smiley cake guy. It's been a while since I last saw him and he looks as friendly as ever, so consistent.

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