Part 7

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"P'Mil?" Asked Tine curiously


"Who is it that... with Sarawat?"

"Pam?" said Mill and Tine nodded

"Sarawat's match"

"his... match?"

(I do not like the feeling that I feel now, why do I feel like that? Why do I feel this way about him? do I not hate him? and Why she keeps touching him, she can not just mess with her plate?).

"Tine?" said Mil

(She's so annoying, she does not notice that her laughter is loud and disturber with the people around her).

"Tine?" said again Mil

Sarawat looked away randomly at Tine, Tine quickly turned his gaze back to Mill and touched his hand, and started laughing loud, "HA HA HA P'Mil you are so funny."

"Ah, I did not tell anything funny." Said Mil

"You are so humble." Said Tine laughing loudly, Sarawat looked at Tine, his jealousy began to attack him. so Sarawat decided to touch Pam's hair,

"Pam, you're getting prettier, have you changed anything?"

"Mmm, not really anything special?" Said Pam.

Tine felt angry, he does not want to be there anymore, "P'Mail we can go back, I do not feel good."

"Okay, let's go. I'm just settling the bill." Said Mil

Sarawat's eyes followed him as Tine and Mil left the restaurant.

"Aww, you owe me!" Pam said grinning

"Hmmm, what do I owe you?" asked Sarawat

"you used me to make Tine jealous"

"I did not do it!" Sarawat said as he straightened up in his chair.

"Aww you know I know when you're lying!" Pam said as she had food in her mouth.

"I am not lying and finish eating before you speak." Sarawat said angrily.

"When you lie... you raise your voice and also get more nervous." pam said

Sarawat realized he could not lie to Pam, Pam after all his childhood friends.

"can you now tell me why you call me? What did you want to talk to me about?" Pam asked

"Mmm I have a friend who..."

"Seriously, I have a friend who ... what are you, four-year-old boy?" Pam imitated Sarawat

Sarawat ignored Pam "I have a friend who is interested in someone, but he constantly causes that person to quarrel with and make him hate him, I do not know ... he does not know what to do."

"It seems that Tine likes you..." Pam said

"really?" Sarawat ask

"I thought it was not you!" Pam said

Sarawat realized he had fallen into Pam's trap

"Since when have you been like this?" asked Pam

"Like what?"- Sarawat

"insecure"- Pam

"I'm not insecure... I just do not know how to behave with him."

"Did you tell him how you felt about him?"

"No, how do I tell him when he's not letting me finish the things I want to say to him?"

"You're Sarawat, smart and funny" Pam voting on Sarawat.

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