Part 25

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Sarawat returned home from his last lesson, but when he tried to insert the key, he realized that the door was already open.

"I've told him thousands of times to lock the door after himself when he comes back. What if someone breaks in and hurts him?" Sarawat muttered to himself.

"Tine? Are you upstairs?" Sarawat went up the stairs toward their bedroom and found Tine sleeping in bed. He decided not to disturb him and proceeded to wash his hands. As he entered the bathroom, he noticed a pregnancy kit on the counter. He glanced at the test and saw that the result was negative. Sarawat realized why Tine had gone to bed early.

After finishing his shower, Sarawat climbed into bed and approached Tine, who was lying on his side with his back to him.



"Do you want to stop?" Sarawat asked.

"I don't know," Tine replied.

Sarawat moved closer to Tine, hugging him from behind and kissing the back of his neck. "We'll do what you want. If you want to stop trying, I want you to tell me."

Tine turned around, resting his head on Sarawat's chest and embracing him. "Thank you. I know it's hard for you too," Tine said.

Sarawat kissed Tine's head. "I promise to always be honest with you." He gently held Tine's chin, pulling him closer for a soft kiss. Just as they were sharing the tender moment, Tine's phone rang. Tine reached for his phone and saw that it was a reminder for the shot he needed to take. Sarawat sat back.

"Maybe we should skip it for today?" Sarawat suggested.

"We can't. The doctor said it's important to be careful," Tine replied.

"You're right. I'll go get it then," Sarawat said.

While Sarawat went to get the shot, Tine lay on the bed and lifted his shirt. He took deep breaths. Sarawat returned with the shot and looked at his beloved, whose gaze was fixed on the ceiling.

"Tine, are you ready?" Sarawat asked.

"Mmm," Tine replied, taking deep breaths.

The shot hurt, but he didn't want to show it to Sarawat. "If it hurts, you don't have to hide it," Sarawat said, trying not to inject the shot in the same spot to avoid internal bleeding.

"It's okay," Tine reassured him.

Sarawat kissed the injection site gently and then kissed Tine's cheek. He hugged him tightly. "We'll get through this together, I promise," Sarawat said.

Tine didn't respond verbally but hugged Sarawat tightly. "Your drama is about to begin... Do you want me to make you some tteokbokki?"

"Do you know how to make tteokbokki?!" Tine asked in surprise.

"Well, I found some packages at the store, so I got them. I know you wanted to try," Sarawat replied.

Sarawat and Tine sat down and enjoyed the tteokbokki together. Sarawat was happy to see Tine smiling and laughing. Tine hadn't been like this in a long time, and it was a pleasant change from their usual routine.

Later, Tine and Sarawat got into bed, covering themselves tightly. Tine rested his head on Sarawat's chest and wrapped his arms around him.

"You know.... for a moment, I thought I was pregnant. I imagined you coming back, and I would tell you about it," Tine said, trying to hold back his emotions, but his voice was choked.

"I believe it will happen one day," Sarawat reassured him.

"But what if I can't get pregnant?" Tine asked with a hint of fear in his voice.

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