Part 4

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coffee shop/ day before

I was meeting p'Mil in a coffee shop near the university, his hair was still wet from the shower.

"I'm sorry that I call you to meet in such a short time."

"it's okay, something happens?"

"The truth ...because everyone knows we're meeting ... I really suffer from it, can you please dump me online." I said when my eyes are down and I can even look at him Straightly.

"what...dump you online?"

"I know that we not really dating but everyone doesn't believe me...and if to say the truth I know that you are too not interested in"

Mil thoughts to himself that this omega really honest, but like him, he can't be the one who dumps, if his parents know about it, it will be a trouble for him.

"Please p', please dump me! If I dump you I will suffer more, our elders do not even know how to do google so they did not know about it." Mil had to confess that the idea was not so bad.

"Okay, when we do it?"

"now!" Tine point to the table near them, where Fong and their  friends were, waving to Mil with a sweet smile.

"Okay!" said Fong

"do we have it?"

"yes sir"

"P'Mil, I'm truly thankful for you!"

"You don't need it's kinda my fault...okay I will go for now, see you".

"goodbye p'!'" said the gang.

"I update it online!" -Ohm

Tine's house

Tine came home, he practices on his tears to convince the other omegas that P'Mill really dumps him, but suddenly, a flashback was on his mind. a flashback of him and Sarawat in the showers. "shit, why I think on it? His naked body that was exposed before Sarawat embarrassed him, at that time he did not think about it deeply, but now that he has time to think for himself he felt embarrassed, he tried to evade these thoughts but it was not easy because Sarawat's clothes were still hanging in front of him, "How Am I going to bring them back? " to be truth, Sarawat did have a pretty impressive body from what he got to see, Tine understood why he has so many fans.

Before Tine went to bed he decided to take a look at the chat, to see if there were any comments about him and p'Mill, "Already a comments?"

("I knew p'Mill would throw him out!"")


("It's time for it to happen!")

("He must have realized he was full of STDs"")

("Does that mean Tine is going back to business?")

("They broke up because he found out about the abortions?")

"Abortions?! Yaaa!" -Tine was angry, how can they say such things about him, he didn't even have a first boyfriend. But that way he knew that within weeks they would leave him alone and he could return to his previous life.

day after

"And the show begins" Tine stood at the university gate when everyone was there, he starts to shed tears so everyone would think he was still hurt and in pain. (They're so obscure if you really think I'm going to cry because someone dumped me). But when I started running to get away from everyone, I ran into Sarawat, he grabbed my hand,

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