Part 29

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Sarawat hurriedly brought Tine to the hospital from their campus, as Tine was experiencing mild stomach pains. Despite the pain being relatively minor, Tine insisted on getting checked at the hospital due to his fear that it might escalate.

Sarawat sat patiently beside Tine's bed while the doctor conducted an ultrasound to ensure everything was alright.

"Everything appears normal, I don't observe any indications of complications" reassured the doctor to the apprehensive couple.

"Check again!" Tine's voice raised unintentionally.

"Tine..." Sarawat attempted to soothe him, but the doctor intervened.

"Of course, there's no harm in rechecking," the doctor agreed promptly and signaled to Sarawat that everything was alright and unaffected by Tine's reaction. The doctor proceeded to explain the details to Tine, offering thorough information in an attempt to alleviate his concerns. However, Tine still seemed anxious and was having trouble breathing. "I have a suggestion - take my contact number. If you sense even the slightest discomfort, don't hesitate to call me anytime, day or night."

"Thank you... and I apologize for my behavior" Tine expressed embarrassment over his behavior.

"What are you apologizing for?" the doctor chuckled and playfully winked at Tine.

"Tine, may I borrow Sarawat for a few minutes?" the doctor inquired with a smile.

"Yes, you can" Tine responded, although he wasn't quite sure why the doctor needed Sarawat.

"I'll asked the nurse assist you with changing your clothes," the doctor stated.

The doctor took Sarawat to her private office.

"What did you want to discuss with me? Is everything alright with the baby?" Sarawat inquired, his concern evident.

"Everything is fine, the baby is healthy" the doctor assured him with a smile.


"I'm worried about Tine. His fear of losing the baby is substantial and quite noticeable in his scent. He's struggling to keep it under control" the doctor explained. Sarawat recalled that ever since Tine learned about the pregnancy, his scent had carried a strong undertone of fear.

"I'm concerned that this fear might have contributed to the miscarriage" she added.

"What can I do?" Sarawat asked earnestly.

"Typically, in alpha-omega relationships, using pheromones from an omega can have a calming effect on their alpha partner. You can use pheromones on him without physical contact... it has helped many couples," the doctor elaborated.

"Is there anything else I can do?" Sarawat inquired eagerly.

"Well, there is something..."

"What is it?"

"Engage in certain intimate activities, but stop before completion..." the doctor tried to hint, but her attempts at subtlety didn't seem to work - the alpha didn't catch her drift.

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean" Sarawat admitted, attempting to grasp the doctor's suggestion.

"You know, engage in 'it,' but not fully..." the doctor tried again, but her hinting still fell flat.

"Perhaps you should just tell me plainly," Sarawat suggested with a smile.

("he so hot but so stupid") The doctor, feeling a bit embarrassed, leaned in closer to Sarawat and whispered her idea.

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