you found me

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Jungkook(carrying the "intoxicated girl"): Are you guys kidding me?! We can't just leave her here!!

Jin: Well what else can we do with her? We can't bring her back to her home safely, none of us know where she lives

JK: You saw how those guys were with her. They looked at her as if she was a piece of meat! Anything can happen to a pretty girl like her. Just imagine if we weren't there to save her from those pigs!

JH: ouuuh Jungkookie-ah you had the time to notice that she's pretty?

JK: yahh you're ALL lying if you tell me you didn't

SG: Yes she is very cute but come on, we have to think fast. We have to get going

RM: uh.. her pockets! Check if she has a wallet with any type of ID with information

V: Wouldn't that be kinda invading her privacy?

JM: bro why would that matter at a time like this?

RM: wait she's wearing a dress. It doesn't have pockets. Did anyone notice if she had a jacket or a bag even?

Jin: those pigs took it remember?

JK: so now what?

JH: should we bring her to the hospital?

RM: but how!! It's risky. we're not even supposed to be out here to begin with. we're just going to get chased by fans and then later on, scolded

SG: also, 7 boys bring a drunk passed out girl into the hospital with no extra information.. i don't know about you but something about that might look suspicious

V: to add to that, i just checked, the nearest hospital is 3 hours away

RM: ugh we just don't have all that time. We're supposed to leave soon

JM: but isn't it more risky if we just wait for her to wake up? what if she doesn't?

Jin: *checks pulse* well she's breathing properly.. I think she's just unconscious from over drinking but she should be fine. Guys, we have to keep moving. Someone might see us and misunderstand this whole situation.

SG: Yeah, I hate to say this but I think we have to take her with us for now. We're stuck and there's no other way

Jin: I think I have to agree.. everyone?

*Everyone either shrugs or nods*

RM: but what if—

*random girl pops up*: OH MY GOD AREN'T YOU GUYS BTS?!

SG: No we are not

JM: not every pack of korean guys are BTS you know..

V elbows Jimin to stop.

They smile uneasily

The girl ignores what was said and slurs: awww i didn't know one of you had a girlfriend!! *points to Jungkook carrying the girl*

Jin: uh.. you're drunk.. you're seeing things

girl zigzag walks: yeah, maybe you're right. Besides, I know Jimin isn't supposed to be that short

Everyone stifles a laugh while Jimin gets triggered.

JM: why this little—

Yoongi pulls him back by the shirt and glares at Namjoon to make a final decision on leaving

RM: OK OK Ok Jungkook bring her into the car QUICK. We'll figure it all out once she wakes up ... Oh and nice to meet you lady, we are not BTS but thank you for saying hi.. 




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