Chapter 3 - "Did you Google me?"

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"...So we had to wear dresses from the store so we wouldn't get caught running out!" Harry finished the story. I was already scrunching down, clutching my stomach from laughing. "Unfortunately, a few papz got pictures of Liam and Louis running across the street. Purple is not Liam's color." Harry continued, only making me laugh harder.

We were sitting on a totally abandoned stair case, leading up to the second floor. No one ever walked past us, there was nothing to see there really, just the stairs. I was leaning against the wall and he was leaning against the railing so we were facing each other. Our legs were tangled at the middle of the step.

"Harry! STOP! I-I can't... BREATH!"

"And Lou had this short, blue, flanel dress which was long in the back." He just wouldn't stop! "And Lou being Lou had gone all the way with a matching hat and heels. It was quite the sight." Harry laughed. "Hey, what are you doing down there?" Harry straightned up and looked down at me with an amused look on his face. How could he not be affected by the ammount of champagne we had been drinking?!

"DON'T LOOK AT ME!" I shrieked as I slapped one of my hands over his face. "I-I can't look at you without laughing!" Harry forcefully removed my hand away from his face and started wiggling his eyebrows at me. "STOP IT, HA-HARRYYYYYY!" I continued to laugh, clutching my stomach.

"Fine." He sighed. "But only because I am afraid you'll ruin your dress." He chuckled as he pulled me up in a sitting position again.

"Thanks." I mumbled as my laughter had finally died down.

"You know..." He leaned closer to my face. I couldn't bear looking into his eyes that close, I would probably just fall into his arms if I looked at him too long, so I turned my head to the side. His breath felt cool against my cheek. "You look very sexy in that dress." He whispered. Oh damn, that boy! Why does he have to be so flirty?!

"Stop it, Styles!" I giggled while I pushed his shoulder lightly. "You're being all flirty."

"You want me to stop it?" He asked, moving his head slightly closer. I could practically feel his lips so close to my neck.

"Y-Yes." My breath caught in my throat. Curse you, Harry Styles!

"Why? Are you almost giving in?" I could hear the smirk in his husky voice. UGH! (I am not sure if that was a moan or an annoyed sound...)

"Shut up and drink the last of the champagne!" I pushed, like seriously PUSHED him away from me.

"How about we share the rest?" He brought the bottle up to his lips and took a swing. When he was done, he passed the bottle over to me.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to drink more." I tried pushing his hand away, but he was stronger than me, so I failed.

"Come on, Beckett! It's just a little more." He smirked at me, showing his dimples that so many girls around the world swoon over.

"Okay." I sighed and took the bottle out of his hand. I tilted my head back, letting the last drops from the bottom of the bottle run down my throat. I pulled the bottle away and placed it between the two of us on the step. "How do you know my name?" I asked him when I turned to look at him.

"You told it to me." He stated matter of factly.

"I never told you my last name." I said, still examining his face. Was that a little blushing I could see?

"I may or may not have looked you up." He said very quickly.

"Oh my God, Harry!" I laughed. Did you Google me?" The color of his cheeks said it all.

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