Chapter 11

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okay, back to the present.


Kenma sat alone inside the ice cream parlor, piles of books and reviewers at the top of his table. Akaashi was busy with his own finals and was also teaching Bokuto in the process so he couldn't accompany his friend.

The blonde smiled at the thought. He missed having just an innocent friendship. He missed having Kuroo as his bestfriend and nothing more. In that way, he wouldn't feel pain. He wouldn't worry about tall and skinny and pretty girls.

 What could have happen if he didn't flirt back, he wondered.

Kenma drew some cute doodles on his notebook, killing his boredom. He finished reading around five reviewers already and he realized it was so hard to study by himself. Last semester, Kuroo helped him. 

He mentally shook his head, as he closed his notebook, preparing to go home. 

The bell just above the door chimed but he didn't look this time, traumatized by what happened last time. Instead, he continued packing his things.


He froze, analyzing who was the owner of that high and squeaky voice.

He looked up, meeting a pair of green eyes.


"Haiba-san..." he whispered to himself.

Alisa Haiba.

Kuroo's research partner and-

Out of all the people that could see him, it was her. Now, he just wanted to go home.

The taller girl waved at him, with a beautiful smile on her face. Kenma awkwardly smiled at her, secretly looking around for a sign of Kuroo and luckily, there was none.

Alisa strutted her way to Kenma's table, eventually occupying the seat in front of him.

"You like the ice cream here too?" she asked.

As much as how Kenma wanted to answer sarcastically, he couldn't. The older girl seemed so nice and kind that she almost looked like an angel.

"Yes..." he answered shortly. Well, could you blame him? He had no experience talking to girls especially older ones. All his life, he was with Kuroo and the latter talked on his behalf all the time.

"That's great!" she beamed. "Oh, you're leaving already?" she asked, staring at Kenma's frozen hands inside his bag.


Kenma prayed to the gods that he'd be teleported to another dimension just this once. 

"Aww." She pouted. "Can we just chat for a while? Promise, it'd be like 20 minutes or less!"

"Uh, not to be rude b-but why?" Kenma asked in return, his foot silently tapping the floor.

"I want to get to know Tetsurou's bestfriend, of course."


"Kuro's besfriend..." Kenma mumbled to himself. He looked up, those pair of green and kind eyes taunting him.

He slowly nodded. "O-okay."


Dumb as hell.

Akaashi wouldn't like this, he thought.

"Great!" She clapped her hands. 

Kenma stared at her, not knowing what to respond. Now, what?

"Uhm, actually-" Alisa said, blush crept up on her face. She fidgeted with her hands. 

"I actually like him, you know. Tetsurou, I mean. That's why... I want your help."

Was it Kenma's heart breaking? No one would know.

"O-oh? That's... amazing." You already did all kinds of stuff behind my back and you want my help?

"It is?" No.

"Y-yeah, I mean you perfectly fit his ideal type." Stop.

Alisa's face completely turned red. "How so?" He fucking cheated on me just to be with you.

"I just know his ideal type..." And I'm obviously not the one.

"He's single, right?" 

"I wouldn't be talking to you if he's not." Shut up. Stop talking.

She giggled. "Okay okay, now tell me about him."

Kenma just wanted to go home and die.


Kuroo laughed as Bokuto throws a joke. 

It was Saturday and just as planned, they hung out at Bokuto's house. His parents were out to go shopping so that left him and Kuroo, binge-watching Netflix series. 

Bags of chips and cans of soft drinks were scattered on the floor where the both of them sat. The huge TV screen was in front of them, displaying whatever they were watching.

"Hey Bo, how are you and Akaashi?" Kuroo suddenly blurted.

Bokuto stopped laughing, face turned rather serious for the likes of him. "We're good friends."

Kuroo snorted. "What the fuck, good friends?"

Fukurodani's ace grinned at him. "What else?"

"Bo, I know you like him."

"I do?"

"It's obvious, dumbass." The ravenette rolled his eyes. "You haven't confessed?"

Bokuto waved his hand. "Well, I'm sorry I'm not like you, Master. I don't randomly flirt with my bestfriend."

"Learn from me." Kuroo wiggled his eyebrows.

"Speaking of, it's been weird lately." Bokuto touched his chin.

Kuroo's forehead creased and his grin vanished. "What is?"

Bokuto raised his brow. "Wait, you didn't know?"

"No, what is it?"

"Akaashi and your sweet little pudding head became so close that I somehow feel jealous about it. Well, I guess they just clicked just like us two. I mean, that's great isn't it? We could hang out-" he paused. 

"Hey, Tetsu are you okay?" Bokuto tilted his head in confusion when he saw how his friend clenched his fist and glared at the floor.

"How did they become close?" Kuroo's voice was quiet which surprised the other.

"W-well, they accidentally bumped outside your school and decided to go to a nearby ice cream shop, I think? Since then, they almost hang out everyday. It was Konoha who told me, 'cause it's not like Akaashi would share to me," Bokuto said, pouting.

Kuroo just nodded, still glaring at the floor.

"Hey, you okay? You seemed angry? Did I say something wrong?" Bokuto frantically asked.

"Nothing. Nothing, really." Kuroo tried to laugh it off.

The other just looked at him in confusion but then started grinning again when he remembered something funny. He started rambling about how he pushed the fire alarm button at their school.

He didn't notice how Kuroo cursed under his breath, realizing everything.

As for Kuroo, he knew he fucked up.

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