(13) Beyond the Late Night Converstaions

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"And when we go out at night,
And the stars are shining bright,
Up in the skies above.
And when we see the light,
Maybe it might be,
Love." -Grease.


So, after Josh hugged me, I tried to fight the blush that wanted to break out into my face.

"It was like a movie, wasn't it?" Josh says, a smile on his face. I nod.

"I have so many questions that it would take me all night to ask, but just this one I'm going to ask, what's the difference between Stephanie and Lizzy?" he asked puzzled. He tips his head to the side like a puppy.

"Nothing. I'm still the same person. It's just now, as Stephanie, you know not to get on my bad side." I smirk. " And I'm better at fighting."

"That I've gathered." He responds.

Later, we are both on my bed, staring up on the ceiling. We were too busy watching what happened earlier with me that we didn't notice that it was already dark out. All that was running through my head was that it might not have been the real Reggie who attacked me.
Of course, I needed proof that I was right before I told Alexander. The Wise Guys are tracking the trail from Crystal with a potion I made. According to Alexander, it's pretty hard to find her. He's growing worried by the second.

Since I knew I would be pondering over what I saw, I used another one of my potions to distract Josh and for my enjoyment. Now, we're both looking at stars that make constellations on my ceiling. I'm thinking about how I'm going to figure out everything and Josh I probably thinking about boy stuff like sports and tv. About my potions,I know what your thinking. How and why would she waste it on nothing? Hey, I'll fill up my potions later. I have a bunch of supplies from when I took from my secret hideout.

Plus, if you could use potions after a long time of using them, would you spend it any way you can?

Don't lie.

"Leo." I mutter and then point to the stars that make it up. The lion shifts until it's running around the room, roaring like Aslan from Narnia.

"Big Dipper and Little Dipper." Josh yawns and I yawn too. I watch in amazement, as if they knew there names have been called by the dark eyed best friend of mine, the magic turns the contellations into a show. Kind of reminds me of that last movie "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb".

"I'm tired, but I'm hungry." I mutter, fighting with my eyes to keep them open. But really, in my head, I'm battling between telling Josh or telling Alexander about how I think someone is posing as Reggie.

Do they want an unnecessary war between both parts or just want some drama? Do they want the Elders to come out of hiding? Or are they coming out of hiding for a war against us?

My brain hurts.

"Come on then, let's go downstairs. Maybe you got food down there." Josh mutters.

How I can hear him after I'm half asleep is beyond me. My tired brain refuses to answer anything from the sea of questions that I have.

"Ugh. Help me up." I mutter again. I throw my arms up and keep my eyes closed.

I feel my bed shift and then I feel Josh pull me up.

"Lazy." he whispers.

"Strong- person." I lamely retort back. You know how they say your smarter in the nighttime? I'm not sure if that applies to me.

We both chuckle and Josh opens the door to let me out. I'm most likely to fall asleep going down the stairs but I want food and my stomach seems to want some too. It's making such an effort to keep me awake.

Beyond the Hedgeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें