(10) Beyond Being Crystal Clear

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"Anyone can cook."- Chef Gusteau

When I exited my workshop, I headed for the Mandatory Tent again. This time, I recognized one of the voices. A women who looked like Chanda Hahn with bright green eyes stood at the corner of the tent, bossing people around like a she knew from experience what had to be done. She was giving instructions to every Trainer and they listened intently.

"I heard Stephanie came back. She also told you about a potion. Make sure you follow every word of what my Stephy said. She's smart, that girl is. I've known her since her diaper days." Crystal told everyone.

"Now, I wouldn't know about that. The diaper days are so long ago." I giggled happily.

Her bright green eyes turned to me and sparkled. She held her arms up and gave me a bone crushing hug. I smiled.

Oh, how I missed my aunt's friend. You know when their's that one person who makes everyone crack up because of their laugh? The one who could turn serious when the time comes and is fun to be around on a rainy day? She played secret spy when she was looking for young Hedges secretly without the Elders knowing. She posed as a librarian, by the name of Mrs. Forester, a couple blocks from my school. She found me when I was looking for another book with my OTP.

She predicted an epic change. I joked she was half Oracle. She only winked when I mentioned it. Then, I matured enough to get my powers, at twelve I may add proudly.

She is an amazing woman and another mother figure to add into my life. On the down side, my mother, as amazing as she is, is never home and I'm left alone most of the time. On the up side, I don't run out of women to write about in the "My Favorite Gal" writing contest in school.

"I missed you so much. You wouldn't believe how many times I wanted to come earlier. I was trying to focus on school and then I came to my senses." I told her. I was so excited. My eyes were probably watery right about now.

She laughed. "You better have a good explanation of leaving. I almost had a panic attack. Alexander was going nuts saying no one wanted to train with him. He tried with the practice dummies but," She winked," they didn't put up much of a fight."

"What dummies." I smiled. It was good to hear her voice again.

When I crossed, I was terrified of responsibility. Responsibility: the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.  Stephanie has the responsibility of protecting more than 1,000 people when sometimes she can barely take care of a house pet.

I couldn't even keep my goldfish alive for more than a week. I've made a lot of choices I regret (who hasn't) and Responsibly probably laughed at me while I made them. Life and I, we have a mutual understanding. I hate it and it hates me. Being away, with people who my mother treats as family, I realized things a lot worse could happen to people.

I need to think of others before myself. I need to stay positive.

At least, that was what I kept telling myself.

I was still crushed in a hug. I could tell she was excited to see me because her eyes sparkled like they used to.

When she let me go, she started with the typical questions. How are you? How is your mother? How's your aunt? How's school? And then came the usual that followed. Look how much you've grown. Did you find that boy of yours yet? I'll make sure to tell him to treat you right.

Blushing at the last one, I answered them all, following her around like a little kid as she multitasked talking to me and talking to the Trainers. I gave a few comments about who I remember and how they changed. Crystal, looking as alive as ever, gave me a side hug as we kept talking. We talked about memories (and we had a whole lot of them) and we filled the tent with our laughter when we retold the happy ones.

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