(11) Beyond A Peaceful Breakdown

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"Crystal and Aunt L were downstairs talking about something about the library. I don't know. " I continued with the story.

Aunt L jumped up like she was struck by lightning. She narrows her eyes at me and growls. "How do you remember this?"

"I-I wasn't eavesdropping! It's just... it was a traumatizing time and something that scares you sticks in your mind forever. Until you can forget about it, that is." I try to explain. Scary Aunt L scares the buttons out of me.

She nodded like she knew the answer. What she did next surprised me and Ashely. Aunt L turned to Ashley and asked her to  She could mouthed, "What is happening?" She looked at Alexander and looked back at me. I just shook my head to look at Alexander. When she was done pleading, she went out to separate room with Aunt L.

Josh said, "Your aunt s'not going to kill her, is she?"

"No." Alexander and I chorused, a little worried and on edge.

Josh nodded. "Continue."

" Anyway, he said 'Where?' His voice, unlike mine, didn't sound scared.

He was in the kitchen, around the comer to where I was, and we were practically yelling at each other to do something.

'WHERE DO YA THINK?' I had told him 'I'm going to go down stairs. That thing is probably hiding in a hole from us.'

I leaned over to where the door was and was about to open it when I heard a 'STOP!' come from the kitchen.

'What if it runs out with you?' He asked me.

'Trust me. If there is any chance that thing is going to follow me, I'm running as fast as Flash.'

I grabbed two pens and chucked one at the direction I thought the thing was and one in the opposite direction while opening the door. I didn't even hesitate. As soon as the second pen flew out of my hands, I turned, closed the door behind me, and ran down all twenty-eight stairs like my butt was on fire. I was at the first floor where I knew they would going to be.

'Tia L! Tia Crystal! Yo vi un ratón en su casa!'

They asked me about how big and I strayed my hands out so they could see. The rat was about a foot long. Plus the tail. They didn't believe me until Alexander came down and told my story like I did, in his point of view. I showed them where it was and went back downstairs. I didn't want to see what they found.

The next Sunday I went to their house, I saw all the couches moved. No. I'm not stupid that I would go back somewhere where they have rats. I had a broom with me. I would hit those suckers. In the middle of all the moved items, I saw my honorary Aunt Crystal. She was sweeping up dust and food that was on the floor. I noticed there was a hole the size of a basket ball in the corner

"Se metió por allí?" It went through there?

She nodded and said that she had put sticky rat traps in the corner of the fridge. She also said the hole was man-made and it wasn't there when we were there. So, that was four years ago. This is four years after my life flipped upside down.  

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