(22) Beyond the Questions

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So, no biggie, but the book has to be done by August 31 to be in the 2015 Wattys. Song- Secrets by One Republic.

There are a lot of parts in a movie where you pause it and look around to see if you saw it right. You look at your friends and see their expressions that you all share. There are a lot of parts of what happened that I wish I could still reverse.

After the call ended, I looked at Reggie. I was extremely tired. My eyes were drooping and I was fighting with myself. I yawned and tried finding a blanket. When I did, I wrapped it around my shoulders. I yawned once more and my head pounded with the lack of sleep. Reggie was in his own world and I clapped my hands in front of his face to get his attention.

"We have to go to the castle. Like I told Al, we need to get somewhere it's definitely safe. Just not now. " Reggie moved a few things around and tried to smile.

"Why not now? Wouldn't it be easier to just get up and leave? I mean, does that make sense to you?" I questioned.

Reggie shook his head like "You don't get it." and patted my head like I was younger than him. I was younger than him but I was not a little kid. This little kid has gone through a lot of tough things. "Because we can't leave now-

"I know but why?"

"-Plus, tell me you aren't tired. I'm pretty sure the sun is up and it would be about three o'clock in the morning right now. And- " It looked like he wanted to say something else but thought better of it. He opened and closed his mouth like he was debating with himself. Finally, he spoke.

"Why don't you go to sleep? I have some planing to do and I'm sure you aren't going to be able to keep your eyes open the whole time I'm going to be awake." He suggested me and I felt...weird that after today he wants to make sure I rest.

At least, that's the way I'm seeing it. After that, I ended up in a hotel like room with a lamp beside my head and in a fresh set of PJ's. It was a regular shirt, the ones you see groups of people wear on fundraisers. When I came out of the bathroom, I found sweatpants and a shirt that said "Musica." I'm pretty sure sleep took me in after I looked out the window for quite some time.


"Morning. You hungry?" He asked me. I guess I'm not the only one who thinks of food when we're about to face danger.

He turned his back to me and headed toward the door to got to the kitchen. After I woke up, confused at first as to how sunlight was in my face when I had curtains but then I realized the sunlight was shining on my face in a room that wasn't mine, so that made me wake up so quickly. I yawned and went straight to the bathroom to actually look more "human" (and to brush my teeth. The brush I used was clean and brand new- straight from the plastic box.)

I went to the computer room, seeing how it was right across from where I slept. When I walked in, I smiled at Reggie.

He changed clothes and his smile looked like an accessory. I looked back at the screens to see that they all had the same screensaver as yesterday. It was a tube of paint spilling from one to the other. I looked back at Red and suddenly I remembered all the questions I wanted to ask yesterday.

Well, I wouldn't say suddenly. The questions kept coming since I woke up and it was giving me a headache. I had so many questions swirling in my mind and every single one of them could be answered by a guy who has ignored the topic since I met him. Only then when I saw the look he was giving me that he asked me a question- one that involved food.

"Only if I get my questions answered. " I sternly stated. My voice went back to it's normal volume, still remembering Alexander's weird call yesterday.

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