(30) Beyond Colors (Red)

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  "Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you/ Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song/ Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer."- Red. Taylor Swift.

My eyes scanned the room and familiar faces refused to meet my eye.

I'm fine. I just woke up after being in a coma, but I'll be fine.
No biggie. I'm standing.

But what happened to you guys?

Finally registering what Doofus number one said, I turned around and glared at him.

"What the hell is wrong with your family? Haven't I been through enough?" I ask. Throwing my arms up in the air, I then gesture around the room. "Hasn't everyone here been through enough? It looks like they went to hell and back."

It was true. Everyone looked like I did when I went up against the Fake Reggie. They all had ripped jeans and jackets, some decorated with blood and others didn't. I could tell everyone was wearing armor because they were illuminating light. What their object of protection was, I don't know. Some were unarmed. Some had guns and others had smoke bombs.

You could tell the people who carried the smoke bombs were the peace keepers.

"It's because they did. King attacked- Don't you remember anything? You were there." Jonas said, like I should have known this already.

"I don't remember anything happening. The last thing I remember happening is talking to Alexander." I tell him, a little confused. In front of all these people, I wondered what happened. All of them "What I do remember happening is you were talking to Red and Reggie Senior."

Jonas just shrugs. I really feel like slapping him. As if he could hear me he held his arms up in surrender. "Don't get mad at me. I literally just found out a couple days ago. " He pointed at Reggie, who was helping a very tired looking Ashley get closer to me. "Rapunzel over here knew since we were born. He just always liked to hide in his tower."

Looking at Ashley, I ask if she's okay, the worried best-friend side of me showing. Where was I when all of this was happening? She tells me everything is okay but I don't believe her. Nope. Not when she looks like she wanted to collapse.

Ashley sighs like she's half asleep. Muttering softly, she said, "Twins. Who would have thought~?"

"Twins?'" I echoed. "The guys don't look anything alike!"

Ignoring me, Jonas stepped closer to Ashley, pulling the wheelchair behind him. I didn't even notice he brought it in with him when he shut the door. Gesturing her to sit down, she did, sighing in relief. Red steps closer to me.

I watch him with eyes that say don't you dare.

His arm touches mine and I feel the most girly thing ever. Then again, when am I not girly? So, being the fifteen year old I am who likes a boy, I get butterflies. "Don't get mad." He says softly and I fight with myself to listen to him. "I told you before that he wasn't who you thought."

I lean a little closer to him so he could hear me. "Why would I be mad? You're the twin of my longtime crush. You, future husband of mine, look nothing alike." I say back trying my best to keep my voice low. If anyone in this room tries to overhear what I said I think I might die.

From preventing that from happening, I try to remember what happened when I fell asleep.

"Dad. Would you like to do the honors?" I expected Reggie to ask but it was Jonas. I glanced at Red and when he refused to even give me a side look. Giving up on him, I  looked around scared I'll see the man who killed Crystal.

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