Minato x Kakashi

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The sound of bickering children ringed in Minato's ear as he flew through the trees. The poor Sensei had to stop and refocus his team from quarelling every few seconds. He had known the children for a year, but yet, still couldn't make them behave. He swore, he would eventually find a solution to this. 

"Stupid Kakashi! That's why you're always wearing a mask, you probably got a big mouth under there. Explains why you're always talking and made us fail the first part of our mission!" Obito spat under his breath.

"Of course you're saying that, lowest rank on the team. Do you see what i'm getting at here? It was your fault we failed. So shutup Obito. Stop being prideful and look at your flaws." Kakashi snapped.

"Obito! Kakashi! Hush." Minato intervened impatiently. "You both are equally responsible, as well as myself. . had I realized you two weren't capable of completing a high ranked mission, this assignment would have been complete by now, but you both insisted on coming."

"Of course Minato-Sensei," Obito jeered. "But we wouldn't have to travel to the hidden cloud in the first place if Kakashi would have listened to my idea."

Kakashi rolled his eyes. "I don't have to listen to you. You're not even close to being a team captain. You should have heeded the orders sensei gave earlier. There was no room for changing up the plan mid-way."

"There was! And I'll never listen to an ass like you, either! I don't care if you're the hokage."

Kakashi sighed. "Of course, You're just jealous. I'm not even asking you to listen. . . I'm-"

Obito plunged his fingers in his ears "Fine - BLAhBlahblahblahBlahBLahblaahblaah." he sung, causing silver eyebrows to twitch. "Just go back to the academy. If we can't have a civilized conversation - you were never ready to be on my team."

Obito unplugged his ears and cleaned them out with his fingers to make sure he'd overheard right. "What do ya mean YOUR squad?! I'll tell you one thing Kakashi - You better not be thinkingyou're better than me!"

"I don't think, I know..." Kakashi flapped his chunin vest with a smirk.

Obito grabbed at his stupid shirt and took a nice fistful. "Listen here Mr.ChuninFace! I could take you, right now! Anytime and Anyday!"

Kakashi had decided he was going to murder Obito when he heard the reproving voice of his mentor.

"Boys! Stop!

"Sorry Minato Sensei." Kakashi murmured as he pushed the Uchiha off  of him. He reared his fist back and punched the pale, insulting chunin in his stupid face. 

Obito's head whipped around at the impact and nearly fell to his death out of the trees, but was thankfully saved by his sensei.

Minato stood Obito up. "I am sick and tired of this constant back and forth!"  

"If you want us to stop so much you could kick him off the team. We'd get missions completed at an exponential rate." Kakashi mumbled, folding his arms, from the spot in the trees.

Obito swallowed and consoled his face. "Yeah - !? Well then... How about you leave if you're too good for the team!?" he glared spitefuly.

"Obito! Shush!" Minato said breathlessly, looking between the two 'teammates', his face reddened. "I've had enough of this! I've been more than patient with you both for the entirety of this mission and that's clearly been taken for granted. How many more times will I have to tell you two to STOP?"

A Naruto Spank-FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora