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Sasuke threw his school bag into the car before himself. He buckled in and proceeded to fold his tiny arms over his equally tiny chest. He pouted at himself in the window. Being picked up early from school was the worse thing that could have happened in result of the fight. Itachi had to leave work early and that would only mean that he would be in more trouble. His facial expressions relaxed as he decided that he didn't want his brother to be mad at him. It wasn't his fault.

"Naruto started it." Sasuke explained, his voice hoarse from the screaming match that had happened only hours ago.

"I don't care who 'started it', Sasuke. You engaged in that petty fight, used your fists to communicate your emotions, and in the process, disrupted the class and most certainly, fell short of the expectations of the clan," Itachi scolded, face red with frustration. 

Sasuke cringed. "You talk about the clan like it isn't just us two," he criticized, bottom lip trembling. It was stupid to be held to all the high expectations of people he didn't even know, who weren't alive. Why? Why couldn't they just be a normal family . . .

Swallowing thickly, Sasuke was brought back to reality, listening to Itachi's soft but deep and disappointed sigh. This is all Naruto's fault, Sasuke thought. If it wasn't for that stupid freckled face and loud mouth, he wouldn't have been in trouble with his stupid brother. Maybe Naruto's stupid face did speak some truth. The Uchiha Clan was stupid. They held stupid expectations and were stupid strict. Sasuke hated being an Uchiha. Earlier in the day, the angry raven-haired boy told Naruto he'd rather have no clan than grow up alone. He wasn't so sure. Being alone sounded much better than being subject to Itachi's disapproval.  

The silence in the car stretched for a few minutes. Itachi couldn't believe Sasuke. Sure, the clan had reduced in size, significantly. They were still alive though. They were still Uchiha, that mattered, "Foolish little brother," Itachi reprimanded, "The clan lives through us and you and I, brother, have the burden of keeping it alive. You better not ever disappoint me like you have today again. I've told you one too many times to ignore Naruto when he runs his mouth."

Sasuke sighed. He didn't understand the issue, never would. He rolled his eyes. He didn't want to be lectured, he'd had a long enough day. Didn't Itachi understand that he was a human too. That he got fed up every once in a while too?

Itachi understood well that Sasuke was upset. Uchiha anger was not something to be taken lightly, which is why his little brother needed to learn to regulate his emotions, "That repulsive attitude is exactly why you're going straight to timeout, Naughty boy," Itachi said, settling into his seat as he felt his younger brother's eyes burn into his skull. 

"Timeout!" Sasuke exclaimed in surprise. "This isn't fair!" he shouted. With tears brimming his eyes, he brought his feet up to his chest and hid his face, covering his ears with his hands so that he couldn't hear his brother scold him for placing his dirty shoes in the seat.

But no reprimand came. Itachi was annoyed enough with Sasuke and it was now the older brother's turn to regulate his emotions. He wouldn't give the brat the attention he wanted.

The remainder of the car ride was silent. And when the brothers arrived home, Sasuke followed behind Itachi, keeping a comfortable distance from his older brother. He had been bold when the car was moving but he didn't want to risk being within arm's length if his brother decided to hit him.

Itachi unlocked the door. Sasuke immediately walked inside the large house, sliding off his little shoes. "You'll serve your timeout in my office," was all Itachi said. Sasuke huffed under his breath and made his move to the office. It was dark when he entered and he didn't bother with turning the light on. He sat down on the wooden floor, his arms folded. Now that he was facing the wall, he didn't fear rolling his eyes for the second time that evening.

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