Kisame x Itachi

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Breathing heavily, Itachi trailed after his partner Kisame through the forest. It had been a few months since he'd joined the Akatsuki, it was hard, and ontop of that, he'd been diagnosed with a lung issue. Usually the medical impairment wasn't too bad but recently, his stamina had been significantly lower than normal. And it was quite obvious.

The finned-man paused when the sound of tired uchiha became too unbearable. He took his shark sword off and folded his arms, leaning up against a thick tree. "Lets break." He finally said, closing his eyes.

That was sugar to Itachi's ears. The 13-year-old lay himself down on a vacant log. Moments later, light snoring could be heard.

Why didnt he just say he was tired? Kisame wondered.

He was concerned about Itachi's stamina, not angry about it. All he wanted was for the child to be healthy, and how things were going, he was definitely not healthy. 

Kisame watched his partner snooze on the log and after a few moments, he decidedly moved to lift the 13-year-old by the underarms, he hauled the child over his shoulder and began towards the nearest town.

The medicine tsunade provided was not working, they'd have to find something else.

Itachi hardly realized he was being carried off until he opened his eyes to see the shark sword attatched to Kisame's back and then the ground passing beneath the older man's feet.

"kisame. . " The Uchiha rose and looked around wearily. he rubbed his eyes tiredly. "What are you doing? we are going the wrong way. ."

Kisame didn't respond at all, making Itachi scowl but he rested his head on the older teens shoulder. The only reason being because he was tired and knew Kisame was smart enough to be reasonable with whatever he was doing.

After some time, Itachi realized he was in a room. A hotel room. "Kisame. .?"

 "We're stopping here for the remainder of the day. Tommorow, we will go into town and find someone to fix you."

Itachi frowned. "N-no i'm healthy and- that's.  thats wasted time." he uttered under his breath.

"It's not wasted time. We have plenty of time." The shark man said simply as he let Itachi down from his shoulder.

The Uchiha crawled down from Kisame's body. He wordlessly moved to lie down in bed and even nearly fell asleep.

Kisame observed the young akatsuki member silently from the spare armless chair. He had never felt such a parental concern for a comrade before, It bothered him but at the same time he couldn't help it.

Quietly, Kisame removed Itachi's medicine applicator out of the black bag that was casually laying before him. The Uchiha still needed to have his medicine at night, even if it wasn't working aswell as it should have.

"Itachi, come here. Have your medicine and then you can sleep." The blue skinned adult said.

Itachi peered over. "oh. . .kisame san it's okay. I don't need it right now, i'm fine."

Kisame's eyebrows furrowed. 

"Itachi, I know you don't like taking your medicine but you still have to. Come here. I'll apply it for you."

Itachi frowned, rolled his eyes, but came over.

Kisame turned the child around and shifted his pants down just enough.  With the needle, Kisame extracted medicine from the bottle, but paused when he noticed how heavy the bottle was.

It had been a month since Itachi had been given his last refill from Tsunade, the amount should have atleast been halved because he was told to take it once a day.

"Itachi, when was the last time you took your medicine?" Kisame asked, at first genuinely curious.

Itachi paled and then froze. He sometimes forgot, his partner was not just brawn but very observant. " . . . I- oh well kisame.. " 

The shark watched as the teenager looked thoughtfuly to the floor as if coming up with a plausible lie. He came to the relization that the child had not been taking it. 

Well that explained alot. With a look of disapproval he gently but furiously inserted the needle, and. He covered the punctured area with a bandaid afterwards.

Then his hand came crashing down on the other cheek.

Itachi jerked and jumped up. "Ouch! Kisame!"

"Itachi, how dare you. After all this time you let me think something was wrong!" Kisame's eyes were narrow with the pain of betrayal.

"I'm sorry, kisame-"

Another cracking swat landed. "Don't 'i'm sorry kisame' me, shark-pup. You're only sorry I found out about this little scandal."

Itachi began to lightly squirm. His eyes were watery. "No- I really am. Please don't-" 

Kisame's large hand only landed again and again. "You could have died had a few more months passed! What the hell is wrong with you?" 

Itachi teared up further at the question. "I don't know- but I wouldn't have died. . " he sulked.

After a moment, Kisame took the younger child over his lap and lowered his shorts past his knees for a better angle. The harsh swats proceeded to land again, making sharp noises as they came into contact with the Uchiha's bottom.

People around the hotel room would surely be able to hear all of this go down.

Itachi was written with regret and embarrassment as he squirmed. "Stop it KISAME- stop it! I'll behave! no more, no more!" he pleaded, desperately.

Ignoring the words, Kisame's hand continued to land, he was now landing swats on both cheeks but he avoided the tender area covered by bandaid-sama.

"I don't ever. ever. want to find out you've lied to me again. I have absolutely no tolerance for that! Itachi Uchiha!"

Itachi's face was tear-soaked at the words. He didn't respond, just choked over his sobs. "Ye-s sir. ." he eventually murmured out of habit.

The slaps soon ceased. Kisame righted the child to a stand. 

Itachi's hands covered his face out of embarrasment, Kisame could see the snot dripping out of the younger ones nose.

"Go wash your face, then come back here."

Itachi peeked over his hands then retreated to the bathroom, where he cleaned his face and remained for a while, simply to gather his feelings.

Kisame sighed in his chair. His hand was nice and hot. His heart, however, felt colder than usual.

After a while, Itachi exited the bathroom and entered their room again. He came before kisame and bowed his head, sadly.

"Come sit." Kisame pet his lap.

Itachi looked reluctant though he came to seat himself on the man's thigh.

Pats were given to the childs back. "Go to sleep." Kisame said softly.

Itachi had an uncertain look but he shifted and fell right to sleep. 


Thanks for reading, this one was a little odd but vote or comment if you liked it or not.

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