Kakashi x Iruka

524 7 6

Caution: Domestic Discipline, Self-depreciation


Iruka burrowed under the covers, his back legs swung around in the air as he watched the television. Ramen juice trickled down his throat as he stared at yet another episode of Japan's worst teachers.

"Yo." Kakashi waved. "Matte, shouldn't you be at work?" He asked, peeking his head into their room.

Iruka jumped, almost spilling out the remaining contents of his cup.  "Kakashi- you're home early." He said, putting his cup away and sitting upright.

Kakashi took a moment to admire that his boyfriend was still dressed in his pajamas. "The mission was a quick one, what about you? What has you lounging around?" The Jonin would walk over to his lover and feel his forehead. 

Iruka looked up to Kakashi with a pitiful look. "I'm terribly sick!" he moaned, slouching his cream shoulders.

"What's wrong? You don't feel too hot." Kakashi kissed his Umino's scar and stroked through his hair softly. "And you shouldn't be eating that junk if you aren't well." he said referencing the ramen.

A few fake sneezes came. "Well my head hurts, Achew- and my nose feels stuffed, Achew, Achew- Cough- Cough-" Iruka frowned cutely, his eyes were that of a sad little duckling.

"In that case, we should be making an appointment with Lady Tsunade." Kakashi pulled out his phone and started fixing a date.

"Wait!" Iruka's frown was still cute. "I don't wanna' see that old lady. I just wan't you...Sensei." His lashes blinked aesthetically.

Kakashi rose his brow. "I'm not a doctor...Ruka-kun?"

"Nh," Iruka wrapped his arms around his boyfriends torso. "You don't have to be a medical ninja to make me feel good, Hatake Kakashi ne?" he laid back on the bed, there was a tired look in his eyes as he stared at the ceiling. Though the look didn't seem to come from any sickness it seemed to be rooted somewhere else.

"Iruka, this sickness you have, are you sure it isn't anything else?" Kakashi laid on the bed beside his lover, seemingly reading his Icha Icha Paradise.

A blush crossed Iruka's cheeks. He shrugged and looked at the story with his boyfriend. 

"Hn, I guess I'll keep you company then, that is if you don't need Tsunade-sama." Kakashi smirked as he turned to the next page of his book.

Iruka side-eyed Kakashi, paranoid that the man knew the truth somehow. Subconciously his expression changed into a sad-frown.

"Yo, Iruka-san. Why the long face?" Kakashi asked, his eyes never left the pages.

Iruka sat up and fiddled with his socked-toes. "Well...It's this kid in my class, Naruto... He's the reason."

Kakashi didn't respond, he only looked over to his husband and put his book down. 

Iruka looked to Kakashi and then quickly back to his toes. "He's just a nuckleheaded trouble maker! I mean...he's doing it for attention. I want to ignore him or assign him a different class but..."

"Your concious is better than that. So- this is the real reason you've stayed at home for the past few days?" Kakashi questioned, raising his brow.

Iruka sweatdropped. "What? Days! I didn't say that..." his eyes faltered around the bed sheets, then pooled with tears. "Only a terrible teacher would leave his students for days with a substitute!"


 "-I'm terrible! Horrible!" The burnette cut in as he broke into sobs. His head rested between his hands.

"Iruka! Hey, don't even." Kakashi moved the brown little hands away and took his boyfriend's chin so that he could see his precious face. "You're perfect." he said, firmly.

"I'm NOT perfect!" Iruka jerked his head away and pulled his knees up to his chest before sliding off of the bed and leaving the room, heading towards the door, he reached out for his jacket when he felt another hand grasping his wrist. 

"Nani, Kakashi? Let go!" 

"Where are you going?"

"I need a drink." He tried to pull out of Kakashi's grip but failed.

"Iruka, no. That isn't healthy." The Jonin stated strictly.

The burnette's eyes widened. "I'm a fucking ADULT! You can't tell me NO!" He pulled his wrist away with every ounce of energy he had but it didn't budge, contrarily, he was being led back to their room and bed. "Hatake!" he yelled as he felt himself being leaned over their bedside.

"I know you're an adult, which only makes it more dissapointing that you are acting like a 2 yearold." Kakashi rose his hand, landing a stinging swat across the upturned behind.

 "Hey!" Iruka tried to stand upright but failed again. "I didn't do anything to deserve this!" His voice was low and almost shaking, the complete opposite of how it sounded only a few moments prior.

The Jonin's hand kept falling. "Don't be in denial. You lashed out on me, I was trying to help you ruka." his tone was impassive.

The burnette's eyes filled. "I'm not in denial! I just needed some space! I don't need your help all the time! I'm not helpless... I can do some things on my own!" he sniffed

"Of course you can do things on your own. I don't doubt that. but, that doesn't mean you can put yourself in danger. You know I won't sit by and watch that, I also won't sit by and watch you act naive or rude." Kakashi stated, he'd accentuate himself with multiple swats on the sitspots of Iruka's sweatpants.

Tears flowed down the chunin's cheeks like rivers. "I wasn't trying to be naive and r-rude Kaka-shi- I was just upset about School and Naruto an-and-"


Iruka nodded solemnly. They didn't get to be together at home as nearly as much as they used to, Kakashi was a strong shinobi, the village counted on him.

"You know I have alot of work with being head of anbu" Kakashi spoke, his tone filled with regret as he delivered the last swats and then pulled his lover up into a tight hug.

Iruka's shoulders heaved. "I'm sorry" 

 "I don't doubt it. I wish it didn't have to come to that." Kakashi kissed Iruka's forehead through his mask. "Tommorow you go to school and you don't ignore Naruto or run away from him when hea acts out, okay?"

The burnette looked to the floor. "That's easier said than done, what do I even do?" He looked up to Kakashi's eyes desperately.

"You said it yourself, He's just a nucklehead looking for attention. You were just like that. What did you want from your elders when you were young?" Kakashi asked fondly as he stared back in to Iruka's black orbs of joy.

"I just wanted...someone to acknowledge me I guess, someone to love me..." tears stung his eyes again. 

"Seems like you know what to do then." Kakashi smirked, lowering his mask and locking his lips with the Umino's.



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This chapter was a request by mydearfriend-kun, sorry it took so long :( and it probably ain't even that good, I'm so dead.

 /// Request by: Anonyomous /// Requested: KakaIru ///

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