Chapter 17: The Search Begins

Start from the beginning

"I owe this to Percy, more than you realize, Poseidon. I promise you, I will find him, and bring him home," I swore. "But where should I begin my search?" I asked curiously.

"Go north and seek out Boreas, he may be able to point you in the right direction," Poseidon suspected. "But take heed, his daughter Khione, isn't the most hospitable to outsiders," he warned me.

"I'll keep that in mind," I assured him. "But if I can quell the rage of a Storm Goddess, I fancy my chances are higher than most, in dealing with someone like her," I pointed out.

"Do you plan to swoon her with honeyed words laced with silver, demgiod?" Amphitrite asked patronizingly so.

"Indeed, but take heed, Amphitrite, I am the last person, anyone with half a brain or more, would want to make an enemy out of," I warned her with an intense gaze, staring right through her eyes and into her soul.

"Conceal your fangs, Adrian, she is not your foe," Poseidon stoically assured me.

"So it would seem," I agreed, as I have much respect for Poseidon, for at the very least, he is one of the few gods on Olympus, who care for their children. "That being said, I'd be much more at ease knowing Ms. J, was safe. Being the mother of a child of the Big Three, plus the ex-wife of said God of the Big Three, tends to attract the wrong kind of attention," I mentioned.

Poseidon only let out a soft chuckle.

"Fear not, Sally is quite safe," he assured me, but peering over his shoulder, a spiteful scowl could be seen on Amphitrite's face.

'If you, your son, or your agents go anywhere near, Sally Jackson or her boyfriend, to do them harm, I'll hunt you down; and not the armies of Atlantis, your son, or Poseidon, will be able to save you, from me, Amphitrite,' I warned her, telepathically, while wearing a stoic expression upon my face, as to not tip off Poseidon.

'I do not fear you, Son of Artemis, for your bark is worse than your bite,' she rebutted with a smug grin on her face.

'How quickly you have forgotten, that it was I, who slew Oceanus, during the war,' I reminded her, keeping up with the stoic expression, as Poseidon was still in front of us.

'That was sheer luck, and you know it,' she accused me, and she was right, but I won't give her the satisfaction.

'Whether or not, I slew him by luck or skill of arms, I was nevertheless, the one who felled Oceanus, Amphitrite,' I pointed out.

'If you two are quite done arguing, there is still matters that need our attention,' Poseidon interjected.

Of course he was listening.

"Then we best be on our separate ways," I spoke aloud again.

"Indeed," Amphrite added.

As I left the cabin, I saw Cymopoleia give me a quick wink, before we parted ways. With the three of them leaving in relative secrecy, I returned to the training fields where I saw Jason rigorously training, alongside Piper, with Quintus as their mentor. Sitting on the snow covered hillside, I watched in intrigue as they sparred against him. Piper was the first to spot me, as I felt her gaze come upon me, but it proved to be fatal and she was quickly staggered and then disarmed by Quintus. Jason didn't last much longer.

"Never let yourselves become distracted," Quintus reminded them sternly. "But that's enough for now, it's nearly lunch, so go wash up," he instructed them, while he tossed their weapons back to them.

"Not bad, Newbloods, not bad at all," I commended them.

"I can't tell if you're being genuine or sarcastic," Piper groaned in pain as she and the others trudged over.

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