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        Tw- Homophobia involved and one slur (I am so sorry!!)

Ring, ring, ring. "Hello?' George asked sweetly, putting the phone to his ear. "George dear, how have you been?" Came a feminine voice from the other side of the line.

        "Mum? Why are you calling?" George asked, his voice filled with shock.
"Well I was thinking about coming to visit you in Florida, if that's okay." The women asked sweetly, making George shiver.
"Are you sure? It's an awful long way to come, and the plane will be expensive." George said, trying to sound as sympathetic as possible.
"Oh please, money won't be an issue. It's been a while since I've seen you, and I miss you dear." She said caringly, seeming to be upset.
"I mean if money isn't an issue, then of course you're welcome mum!" George said with fake enthusiasm.
"Oh great! Your father and I will come sometime at the end of the week, and send me your new address." George's mother said excitedly, her tone showing she was now smiling.
"Okay, mum. I've gotta start preparing for your arrival so I'm gonna head out." George said, trying his best to sound genuinely happy.
"Alright honey, I'll see you later this week!" The women said sweetly, then hung up the phone.

George took the phone off his ear, letting out a deep sigh of frustration. Footsteps were heard approaching the bedroom, before the door gently swung opened.
"You okay, babe?" Clay asked as he saw the look on his boyfriends face.
"Not really, to be honest." George breathed out, running a hand through his unkempt hair.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" The blond asked, bringing the other into comforting a hug as they rocked side to side together.
George already felt better just being in the other's arms. He felt safe, comfortable and overall happier.
         The two sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the others touch. "My mum and dad are coming to visit in a few days." The Brit confessed, leaning onto the other for support.
Clay hummed. He knew how afraid George was of his parents, and it was the sole reason they never invited the Davidsons over for Christmas dinner.
George had told him about their homophobia and the way they spoke towards the LGBTQ+ community. Clay was honestly glad that his parents were accepting of the two boys when they came out to them together, because he wouldn't know what to do if they weren't supportive of him.
"Do you want to tell them plans came up and you have to cancel?" The Floridan asked with sympathetic eyes, but George shook his head.
"I canceled the last few times so my mum won't let me stop her." The brunet sighed, running a hand through his hair again.
          "You don't have to worry baby. If it makes you feel any better, I'll be there by your side the whole time." Clay said quietly, but George just frowned in reply.
"But what if they...?" The Brit trailed off. "I won't let them hurt either of us, and I can't just leave you alone with them." The blond said protectively.
          "Thank you Dream." George said quietly, standing on his tip-toes and giving the other a kiss.
         Clay chuckled. "You're so short." He laughed, returning the kiss to the shorter. "No! You're just a giant!" The Brit replied exasperatedly, giving a small pout that just made the blond wheeze.
           "Okay, come on cutie. Let's go cuddle and watch a movie." Clay said as he picked up his boyfriend, who smiled and approved to be carried to the sitting room couch.

"Clay they're almost here." George whispered as his breathing picked up. He dropped his phone onto the ground on accident but didn't pick it up, instead he sat on the couch shakily.
"Hey, it'll be okay George." The blond reassured, giving the shorter a soft kiss on the head. "I'm with you, and I'm not leaving." He added as he picked up George's phone and placed it in his hand.
Knock. Knock. Knock.

George jumped at the sudden noise and looked up at Clay in panic. The blond gave a reassuring look as he squeezed the Brits hand softly.
          The two stood up and walked to the door, George let go of Clay's hand out of fear of his parents seeing. The Floridan hesitantly grabbed the door nob, looking at George for permission and got a nervous nod in reply.
         The door opened to show a smiling, well-dressed couple. "George, it's great to see you!" A women with a thick British accent greeted, trapping George in a tight hug. "It's good to see you George. We've missed you dearly." George's father said with a smile.
         "Mum, dad, it's great to see you. Come on in." George said with fake smile plastered on his face.
"Oh, you're home looks -uhm-nice." Mrs. Davidson tried to compliment, but the boys knew she was more disgusted with the place. It wasn't even that bad. The boys were proud of their first house together and they had just moved in from Clay's old apartment, so it wasn't expected to look perfect or anything.
"Thanks." George murmured, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.
The room fell into an awkward silence with the only sound being the hum of the air conditioner that was cooling the humid room. Clay coughed, "So we made chicken parmigiana for dinner, I hope that's okay." He said, trying to return the room into a more comfortable atmosphere. But he knew as long as George's parents were here, the room would maintain a thick, unsettling tension.
         "Oh yes, that sounds delightful." George's mother said with a smile, "Nice change from your cooking honey." Mr. Davidson joked, but got a scowl from his wife in return. "What? Can't I be excited for a change in meal?" He asked defensively, still evident that he was joking around.

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