Wolf (pt 2)

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For dinner, the boys all decided to order pizza and watch a movie. Nick sat on the lazy boy chair while Clay and George sat at opposite ends of the couch. They picked something random to watch and started munching on the food.
" So, Clay." Nick said to get the blond's attention. " How does like, sitting on the couch work with your tail? Cause it seems like it would get in the way and be uncomfortable." The Texan asked curiously, frowning his brows in thought. " Eh. It's not uncomfortable or anything, just different." Clay said as he repositioned himself on the couch to be leaning against the arm rest. Nick hummed in response, then directed his attention back to the movie.

         Once the movie finished George looked over to see Clay curled up against the arm rest, laying on his side with his head on his hands and his knees pulled close to his chest. ' Cute' the Brit thought to himself.
         " Hey Clay." George whispered as he shook Clay gently, careful not to startle him. "Mmmm?" The blond mumbled as he opened his eyes slightly. " Time for bed, come on." George said as he helped the other up, bringing him to his bed. " Night Clay." The brunet whispered, shutting the light off and closing the other's bedroom door on his way out.
" So....." Nick trailed off when George got back to the sitting room. " So...... what?" The Brit questioned, sitting back down on the couch. " What should we do about...... you know...?" The Texan asked, averting his eyes from the other's. There was silence. " I don't know, but Dream seems fine, so that's good." George said, sitting back down and wrapping a fluffy, brown blanket around himself. " But what if it keeps getting worse?" Nick asked worriedly, being the adult for once. " We will deal with it when it happens, okay." The Brit huffed, directing his eyes to the hands in his lap.
         Nick could tell George was really worried about the blond, and that it was starting to stress him out. " Hey." The Texan said softly. "Everything's gonna be alright." He said, bringing the smaller into a hug. " I know." The Brit said quietly. " I just don't want anything bad to happen." He whispered.
" It'll be fine. I promise." Nick said as he gave one last squeeze to the brunet, then started walking towards his guest room.

         The next morning George awoke to the sweet aroma of bacon filling the air. " Morning sleepy." A sweet voice cooed from the kitchen. " Morning Dream." The brunet said groggily, sleep evident in his tone.
" I'm almost done breakfast!" Clay said enthusiastically as George walked into the kitchen and sat on the island bar stool. In the kitchen, the mouth-watering smell of cinnamon sugar filled the Brit's scenes, making him hungry. "What do you wanna do today, Georgie?" The blond asked as he flipped the now golden-brown French toast.
The brunet hummed. " Anything is fine really. Maybe we could go for a walk after breakfast, and you could show Sap and I around town." George said, focusing his attention on the delicious breakfast before him.
The room fell into a comfortable silence, with the only sound being the sizzling of butter as the toast cooked.
         " Hey, could you go get Nick for breakfast please?" Clay asked after a moment. George nodded, standing up and leaving the room as the blond spread the food evenly along three plates. Just as he finished setting the table, the other two men walked in. " Woah, Clay. I didn't know you could cook." The Texan said excitedly as he sat in front of a plate of food, immediately digging into it. Bitting the first scoop of potatoes , Nick clearly melted into the soft flavours of herb and spice, making Clay chuckle.
        " I've always known how to cook. Just never thought to." The blond said casually, taking a bite of food. It was, indeed delicious. "So George and I were thinking that I could give you guys a tour of the town, if you wanted that is. We could walk down town too!" Clay suggested, pouring some ketchup onto his potatoes. " What about your tail?" Nick pointed out awkwardly, and the blond's expression dropped. " Oh yeah." He said glumly, ears going down flat on his head.
        George felt pained to see the man this way. " We could go for a drive and you could show us that way!" He suggested enthusiastically. "Yeah I guess that would work." Clay said, his face brightening again. " Alright just lemme finish my breakfast first!!!" Nick said, taking yet another bite of spiced potatoes.

The three men got in the car, with Clay driving, George in the passenger seat, and after some arguing, Nick in the back.
It was a beautiful morning, sun shining and the blue sky ever-so vibrant. Morning birds chirping, and children could be heard playing at the local playground.
" So, anywhere in particular you guys wanna go?" Clay asked, as he got stopped at a red traffic light. " You're the tour guide here." Nick said in a "obviously" tone. " Yeah but I don't know where to go!" The blond shot back. " Chose somewhere then!" The Texan yelled. "Guys stop fighting!!!" George cut in by yelling, making the other two go silent. " Why don't we go to the beach. It could be fun." He said in a softer tone. " But-" " We can scout out the area first, and find an empty spot with no people, so there's no need to worry about the ears and tail thing." The Brit said sternly, tired from the useless bickering. " I actually have a spot we could go to, and not many people go there." Clay suggested after a few moment of silence. "It's about a half hour away though." He added. " That's fine." George said sternly, still slightly agitated. " Okay then, I guess we'll go there." Clay said, giving Nick an awkward glance through the rear-view mirror, then taking a left hand turn.

        After about five minutes of  driving, George picked up on Clay's shaking hands on the steering wheel, and signalled Nick with a head nod pointing at the blond. After an awkward, but silent, exchange of head nods and pressuring faces, Nick spoke up. " Cough cough, uh- Clay, you good bud?" He asked nervously, but got no response. " Clay?" The Texan asked a little louder, which snapped the blond out of his trans-like state. " Yeah?" He asked, still tapping his hands on the wheel very quickly. " Are you okay? You seem nervous." Nick asked, concerned. " Ye- yeah I'm fine." The blond stuttered in reply.
         " Clay you don't seem fine. Please tell us if something's wrong." George said, putting his hand on the blond's as comfort.
Clay sighed. " It's just-every small detail and movement catches my eyes.... so it's kind of hard to focus on driving. But since you guys are my guests I can drive." He confessed, focusing all his attention back on the road. "Oh Clay. Why didn't you tell us sooner? Nick could have drove for you." George said with his brows frowned in concern. " Yeah. I can still drive if it's too much, you know." Nick suggested.
         " That would actually be great thanks." Clay said, pulling the car over to the side of the road and getting out of the car. " Here I can also sit in the back to distract you from....stuff." George suggested awkwardly, hopping into the back with the Floridan.
" Okay! So onto the beach we then?!"

Hey sorry for this being so long, I promise the next chapter will be that last one for this arc.

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