Wolf (pt 3)

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        " Turn right!!" Clay shouted, almost missing the turn. " Jeez, I thought you knew this place." Nick said, steadying the car on the path correctly. " It's been a while." Was all the blond said before he yelled to stop. " Okay it's to the right, and we have to walk from here." Clay said, getting out of the car.

         The hike was short, and in no time the trio made it to a small, sandy cove. " This place is nice." George commented, taking a seat in dry sand close to the water. " Yeah." Nick agreed, standing next to the Brit.
" It's hot out. I'm gonna go for a swim." Clay said, taking off his hoodie and walking into the water.
George couldn't help but admire the way Clay looked. It was as if he was an angel that came from the heavens. The subtle, yet common Floridan tan, faint biceps, and light showing abs- the Brit was cut from his daydreaming by a voice. " George stop staring before he notices." Nick hissed, making the Brit blush in embarrassment. " Aww it Gogy embarrassed!" The Texan teased in a baby-mocking tone. " Shut up." George said, hiding his face in his lap, making the other laugh.
Clay then came back to shore, and shook some water off his head and tail. " It looks like it's gonna rain soon. We should probably head back so we don't get caught in the storm." The blond commented as he looked up at the sky, using his hand to shield the little patch of sun from his eyes.
          " Alright." George said, getting up and walking back to where they came from.

         The car ride home was quiet, and they made it home just before the storm hit.
          " Can I use your shower, Clay?" George asked, and got a nod from the blond in reply. "Thanks." He said as he walked down the hallway, towards the bathroom. Nick and Clay decided to sit on the couch and chill on their phones while they waited for the Brit.
         " Hey Clay?" Nick said in a slight mumble, but succeeded in getting the other's attention. Clay hummed, signalling to say he was listening. " Why are your ears down?" The Texan asked in a mumble still. " I don't know. Probably cause I like George but he'll never like me back." The blond said just above a whisper.
         " WAIT YOU LIKE GEO-jdbfifo-" Clay put a hand to the others mouth to stop him from speaking. " Shut up!" He hissed. " I don't want him finding out. I mean why would he like me like this anyways." The blond said in a softer tone, gesturing to the ears atop his head. "Fine, you two will figure it out soon enough!" Nick huffed, switching his attention back to his phone.
Soon enough George finished his shower, and got in some comfy clothes to chill on the couch in. When the Brit walked into the sitting room, he plopped onto the couch, right in between the other two. " Finally! You take forever!" Clay said in an exaggerated tone. "Not my fault." George shot back. " Kinda is bud." Nick pointed out, and the room fell into a fit of giggles.
         "W-wanna watch a movie?" Clay asked, still chuckling. " Sure!" George said, grabbing the tv remote and putting on Netflix.
         Nick smirked, then stood up. " I'm gonna take a nap, all that hiking tired me out." The Texan said, faking a yawn. " Oh okay. Night." Clay said, leaning on the couch armrest again.
" Guess it's just you and me Clay!" George said, putting his hand on the blond's head. Clay melted into the touch for a second, before the Brit pulled his hand away, making the blond let out a desperate whine.
Clay put his hand to his mouth in embarrassment, as George turned his head towards the blond in shock.
        " Oh my god, sorry! I did not mean to do that!" Clay said in a panic, making the Brit chuckle. " It's fine." He said, putting his hand back on the blond's head, ruffling his hair a bit. Clay let out a satisfied hum, making the older blush.
After a few minutes of this, George took a deep breath. " Clay, I've honestly liked you for a long time, and it's fine if you don't feel the same way, I just wanted to tell you to get it off my chest." The Brit said all at once, then looked to the blond for his reaction.
Clay was shocked, to say the least. " R-really?" He asked, and the other hesitantly nodded in reply. " And you don't care about the ears and tail?" The blond asked, nervous for the answer. " No." George reassured. " It doesn't bother me, as long as it doesn't hurt you in any way." He added.
         A smile of pure joy formed on Clay's lips, until he realized the Brit was still waiting for an answer. " Oh yeah. I like you too, a lot." He said, slightly shy.
         " No joke?" George asked to be sure, and in reply, Clay brought his face closer to the others, and connected their lips.
         The kiss was soft and short, but it meant so much to the two. Reassurance, passion, comfort, and most importantly, love.
         After a moment, Clay pulled away, leaving George to be the one to whine this time. The blond chuckled, and both boys smiled.
         " I love you Clay." George said passionately. " I love you too." The Floridan replied sweetly. The Brit then giggled, making the blond frown his brows questioningly. George pointed his finger behind Clay, and the younger turned to see his tail wagging playfully. He blushed in embarrassment, then tried to stop his tail, but George grabbed his hands. " It's cute." Was all the Brit said before giving the other a peck on the lips.
          " Let's go make some dinner." George suggested, standing up and offering a hand to the other. Clay took it without hesitation. " Can we make pasta for dinner?" The blond asked excitedly. " Yeah, that sounds good!" The Brit replied sweetly, but then stopped. " Um, Clay....So what are we.. exactly?" He asked awkwardly.
           " Oh right. George, would you be my boyfriend?" Clay asked shyly, nervous of rejection. " Of course! I love you Clay!" The Brit said excitedly. " I love you too, so much!" The blond replied, smiling of pure joy.
          In the end, the lovers made a delicious dinner for themselves, and lived happily ever after!

Sorry if it seemed a little rushed. Hope ya liked it! Have a great day/night!!

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