Hair dye

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It was mid-summer. The whole Dream team had just moved in together, and got settled.

Clay woke up and went downstairs for breakfast, only to see Nick leaning on the kitchen counter with a mischievous smirk on his eyes while chuckling. " What?" The blond questioned, directing his eyes to where the other was looking. The bathroom door. " Nick what did you do?!" Clay questioned sternly, getting a chuckle in reply.
He was gonna ask again, when he heard a yelp from the bathroom, which made the Texan perk up excitedly. As Clay was about to question the other again, the bathroom door shot open, showing an angry George, with pink hair!
" WHAT THE HELL NICK!" The Brit yelled, his accent prominent, making the Texan laugh. Clay sent a glare towards Nick, " What? It was just a joke." He said defensively.
         " WHY THE F*CK DID YOU TURN MY HAIR PINK?!!!" George yelled, and the Texan just kept laughing, making the oldest of the three storm off to his room angrily.
         " Nick... Please tell me that's not permanent hair colour." Clay said, barley heard over Nick's uneven wheezes.
" Um..." The Texan trailed off with a smirk. " Nick!" Clay scolded.
" What?! It's fine!! He doesn't even leave the house anyways!" Nick reasoned, but his constant giggles weren't helping.
" Yeah, but he still has to stream! And you know how the fans would react about this! No one would let it go!" Clay yelled, then sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose out of frustration.
"You're just being an overprotective boyfriend!" The Texan said, taking a bite of the apple that was on the counter.
" No, I'm being reasonable. Now come on, we have to go to the store and get hair dye in George's colour." The Floridan sighed, picking up his keys from the hook in the hallway.
" Wait so you want more pink hair dye?-" Nick jokingly asked, chuckling at his own remark.
" Shut up Nick, now let's go." Clay growled, walking out of the front door.

         "How is there no brown hair dye?!!" Clay yelled exasperatedly. "Woah, you need to calm down before people start staring." Nick said quietly, while scanning through the hair dye aisle.
         "What do we do now? It's Sunday and no other stores will be open till tomorrow, and George has to stream later!" The Floridan thought aloud, pacing back and forth through the aisle.
        "Hey Clay...." Nick started, but trailed off. "What?" "Well if we can't get George's hair back to normal...... than why don't we make him feel normal compared to us." The Texan said quietly as he picked up a box of purple hair dye, making Clay's eyes go wide.

         The boys started walking towards the car, Nick holding one box of blue, and one box of purple hair dye.

They opened the front door quietly, then quickly scampered to the main-floor bathroom and locked the door so George wouldn't see them yet.
         "Okay, how do we do this?" Nick asked, looking at the back of the box inquisitively.
          " So we mix the colour with this stuff; in bottle, and put it on our heads for thirty to forty minutes." Clay said, reading the box. "Then we rinse it out and ta-da." He added, his voice filled with fake enthusiasm and his face expressionless.
"Oh, come on. At least try to have fun with this!" The Texan urged, unlike the other, a smile on his face.
"Well I wanted green hair dye." Clay huffed, crossing his arms and looking down.
           "Dream, green hair dye looks bad on everyone, so you have to do blue!" Nick reasoned in a childish tone.
           "Fine." Was all the Floridian said before he started pulling open the box of hair dye.

          "Well?" Clay asked, taking the towel off his head. " Oh my god, dude you look so hot!" Nick practically yelled. "But no homo." He added with a laugh.
         "Your hair looks good." The Floridan said, combing through his own blue hair. "Wow. I call you hot and you say I'm just 'good'" Nick said, pretending to be offended.
"Yes, I am hot and that is that." Clay said smugly, a playful smirk on his face.
"Let's let George be the judge then." Nick said, confidently walking out of the bathroom.

Clay softly knocked on George's door, to hear a quiet "come in" from the other side.
"You okay, George?" The Floridan asked sympathetically. "No." The Brit said stubbornly. "And why would that be?" Clay asked playfully. " Because Sapnap turned my hair f*cking pink-" George stopped speaking once he looked up to see his blue-haired boyfriend standing in the doorframe.
"What did you?-" "Sap and I couldn't find brown hair dye, so we decided to match you." Dream cut the Brit off, a goofy smile on his face.
"My hair looks better than Dream's, right?" Sapnap said as he squished himself in between the Floridan and doorframe.
"I don't know Sap, Clay looks pretty good." George said with a smile, getting out of bed and walking over to the others. "Good yes, but I look better, right?" Nick asked for a smirk, practically asking for a shove from the other.
          "You both look very handsome." George said with a cute smile. "Thanks Georgie." Dream replied, giving his boyfriend a peck on the lips. Sapnap made a gaging noise as they broke apart, making the two give him a look.
           "I'm guessing this is the part where I leave because the both of you are gonna f*ck or something." The Texan said, slowly turning around to walk out the door.
George gasped. "We don't do that yet!!" He said defensively, a red blush appearing on his face.
"Yet being the key word!" Sapnap said loudly from the hallway, making the Brit turn an even darker shade of red.
"Sorry for what Sap did to your hair." Dream said as he turned to face the shorter. "It's fine. But thanks for what you did to yours." George said with a smile.
"Anything for my sweetheart." The Floridan said passionately, giving the pink-haired boy another soft kiss.
"I love you, Dream." George said lovingly, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
           "I love you too, George."


          Hope you enjoyed that short little fluff story! I normally don't write author notes because they can get long and boring but I just wanted to say that requests are open and I didn't really mention it before. Don't be afraid because I will write a bunch of different scenarios no matter how wild they are. Just dm me or comment and I will write it! Just no smut, sorry -_-
        Anyways sorry this is so long but hope ya have a great day/night! <3

         - Em 🖤

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