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         It was late fall, the air was filled with the scent of pumpkin spice and apple cinnamon, and the leaves were just starting to fall from the trees.
        Clay got out of bed, feeling groggy from the lack of sleep he got the night prior. He walked to the kitchen, making a cup of coffee to start the day with. The blond scrolled through Twitter as he sipped the warm beverage, when he got a message from a certain Brit. It read 'Hey Dream. You wanna film a new minecraft plugin with Sapnap and I?' So Clay responded saying he'd be online in ten.
        The blond finished the last bit of his coffee and headed to the closet to get dressed. When he looked in the mirror, the man fell to the floor with a yelp. The Floridan got back up slowly, looking closely at his reflection.
        The blond had grey, fluffy ears on the top of his head. He reached his hand up towards the ears and tried to pull them off, but they were stuck. Panic set in as Clay didn't know what was happening and he went to grab his phone when he noticed something else. A grey, fluffy tail was hanging from his lower back. His eyes widened as he started freaking out more.
Clay grabbed his phone, dialling George's number, but then stopped and sat down, bringing his hands to his face.
He couldn't tell anyone. What if his friends though he was too weird and left him. So the Floridan decided to wait it out and see if it would go away after some time.
Just as Clay was about to poke one of the ears on his head, the phone rang, making him jump. The blond accepted call, and the thick British accent or his best friend George filled the silence.
" Hey Dream! Are you ready to film?" The Brit asked enthusiastically. Clay had to lie. He needed to figure out what was happening with himself before anything else. " Um- sorry George, I- um- actually have some things to do today, that I forgot about. Sorry, maybe we can film some other time." Clay said nervously.  "Mmmm okay. Well have a great day Dream!" George said before hanging up, and Clay set his phone back down looking closer at himself.
         He still looked like his normal self, but with sharper teeth, ears on top his head, and a fluffy tail. Clay was scared. Would he ever be normal again?

( one week later )

        After a week of staying home and keeping away from people, Clay felt like he was going insane. His friends kept messaging him, worried about his sudden disappearance. But he wouldn't answer, no, he couldn't answer. Even if he wanted to film with everyone he couldn't, because he didn't have any headphones that would fit in his ears properly. And if he said he was okay, people would question why he stopped filming and uploading, and if he said he needed a break for a while, his friends might still question him, and he didn't like lying.
Clay was sitting on his couch and scrolling through tik tok, when he got a knock at the door. It was loud and made him jump, a huge downfall being that he had exhilarated hearing now.
The blond put on his beanie to cover his ears, and slowly opened the door. " CLAY!!! Oh thank god your okay!!" Nick yelled as he brought Clay into a hug.
" Wait, Nick?! What are you even doing here?! Don't you live in Texas?!!" The Floridan asked, surprised.
" Don't you remember that George and I were coming to Florida so we all could see each other again?" Nick said enthusiastically. The Texan took a closer look at Clay, and a look of concern washed over his face. "Clay..... you look very tired, if everything okay?" Nick asked softly, putting his hands on the other's shoulders. Clay didn't answer, instead paying close attention to the small details on the floor. " Clay? Why haven't you been answering your phone?" Nick asked softly.
" I- it's just- I don't-" The blond was at a lost for words, and tears started to form in his eyes.
         " Shhh, it's okay." The Texan soothed the other, bringing him into a comforting hug. "It's gonna be okay." " But it won't!!!" Clay cried into Nick's shoulder. " Can you tell me what's wrong, if you're okay with that?" Nick asked gently.
" I- don't really-it's just I, can't explain very well." The blond said defeatedly. " Try your best." The Texan said encouragingly.
Clay sighed as he grabbed the tip of his beanie, slowly pulling it off to show the fluffy ears on top. Nick frowned his brows in confusion, then his eyes went wide with realization. " Wait!! Are those real?!" The Texan asked in disbelief, and Clay simply nodded, then did a full spin to show off the tail too. " And a tail?!!!! Wait, how did this happen?! It's so cool!" Nick said excitedly, touching the ears.
" No it's not! I can't even go in public anymore! Or film because of my stupid ears!" It took a minute for the Texan to understand, but putting the pieces together wasn't that hard, realizing why he 'disappeared' for so long. "How did this even happen?" Nick questioned.
" I don't know." Clay sighed, running a hand through his hair in a stressed manor.
        The two's conversation was interrupted by a knocking at the door. Clay quickly slid the hat back on and nodded at Nick, signalling to open the door. The Texan slowly turned the knob to see a short brunet standing there, looking worried.
" Oh my god Clay, you're alright!!" George said eagerly as he brought the blond in for a hug. " Why haven't you been responding to our messages? I've been really worried for you! I thought you could have been hurt, or worse!!" The Brit rambled, and Clay felt bad for making his friends worry so much.
        " George." The Floridan interrupted quietly, making the brunet look up at him with an upset expression. The blond sighed softly, pulling off the beanie that sat on his head. George's eyes widened. " Wha-" " IT'S SO COOL!! RIGHT!" Nick interrupted the Brit, touching the ears once again. " Is it-?" YEAH IT'S REAL!!!" The Texan interrupted once again. " But how-?" " HE DOESN'T KNOW!!"  Nick yelled a little too excitedly. Only after the half-questions and yelling stopped, did the two men notice Clay was covering his ears with a pained expression.
        " Oh my god, sorry Clay. I didn't mean to hurt you." Nick said frantically, but in a whisper. " I- It's fine. You didn't know." Clay winced, then looked back at George.
" So you're part wolf or something?" The Brit questioned, touching the ears for himself.
" Yeah, I guess so...." The blond trailed off. " It's alright. We can help you sort this out while we stay, that is if we're still allowed to?"George asked, closing one eye and giving an awkward smile as he prepared for the worst outcome " Of course you're still allowed to stay!" Clay said cheerfully, here I'll show you your rooms and you can get settled.
As the three started walking towards the hallway, Nick pulled Clay close " I didn't want to say anything before. But your tail has been wagging the whole time since George got here." The Texan whispered in the other's ear, with a smirk on his face, and the blond looked to see his tail, in fact, wagging, making him blush lightly.
" Do I have a crush on George?"

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