"No way", I look down at the plane tickets. "Bora Bora?" He nods. "Thank you", I stand from the bear, jumping on to Romeo to hug him, making him fall backwards on to the bed.

"We leave tomorrow", he mumbles before pecking my lips. "And come back on the second of January".

"Now on to my gifts", I get up and walk over to the closet, pulling out a large bag. "I can't really compete with Bora Bora, but here", I slide the bag over to him.

He begins taking things out from the bag one by one. First he takes out the watch I bought him. I noticed how he always has to take his phone out to check the time, so I got him a watch. "These are awesome", he tells me as he takes out the pair of customised sneakers I bought him before going on to the next gift.

"Look", I shuffle towards him as he opens the next gift. "You have this one", I hand him the black bracelet. "And I'll have this one", I put on the other, white bracelet. "And when we hold hands, they attach", I show him, entwining our hands.

"I love them", he pecks me on the lips quickly, before opening the final gift. "No way—", he drops it before picking it back up again. "You got me a signed Jets jersey?"

I was a little confused when he told me his favourite football team are the Jets, seeing as we don't live in New York, but I didn't question it.

"Yep", I grin as he stares at it, starstruck.

"Thank you", he drops it to hug me, pressing a kiss to both of my cheeks before reaching my mouth, lingering there for a second before pulling away.

"Wanna go watch a Christmas movie?" I ask, hopefully.

"Okay", he chuckles at me.

"Yay! Put this on", I throw him the onesie Max got him as I change into mine.

"Really?" He groans, looking over at me.

"Yes", I finish zipping up mine, waiting for him.

"The things I do for you", he mutters jokingly, standing up to change into it as I clear the pieces of wrapping paper off of the bed and into the bin.

"You ready?" I turn around to see him standing there in the dark brown, fluffy bear onesie, with the hood on covering his pouting face. "You look adorable", I tell him honestly as I wrap my arms around his waist, leaning my head up to look at him.

He doesn't answer me. Instead, he grabs my waist and hoists me over his shoulder, carrying me into the living room. "I love you", he hums as he sits me on the couch, taking a seat beside me.

"I love you", I smile, moving over to straddle him and lean my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me, staying there for a while.

Why did Romeo's dad tell me to do it? That makes me not want to do it even more.

My brain wanders off as we sit in silence, enjoying each other's company.

Unless that's what he wants, for me to not do it by telling me I should do it.

I feel Romeo rub his hand up and down my arm and press a tender kiss to my forehead. "I'm gonna go put the movie on", he lifts me off of him and gets up to grab the remote before returning back and laying down with his head on my lap. "What movie?" He mumbles, scrolling through the movie list.

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