Only Getting Worse

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Lena woke up first again and immediately looked over at Kara, sighing when she saw that she was shaking, yet visibly sweating at the same time.

She didn't know what to do first, so she decided to just go get ready for the day.

Once she was done, she came back into the bedroom with an ice cold water bottle and carefully pulled the blanket away from Karas body, causing her to jump awake.

"Relax, it's just me, come on, sit up, you're okay"

Kara sat up and slowly and squinted at Lena, her loss of powers really starting to mess with her vision.

"Do you want some water? Hm?"

Head nod.

Lena smiled softly and tilted Karas head back, gently pouring water down her throat.

Kara gulped down almost all the water, she felt like she hadn't had anything to drink in years.

Lena put the water bottle away and gently kissed Kara, putting her cold hands under her shirt and rubbing her sides.

The sensation sent shivers through Karas body, yet it helped her cool down and she leaned her body into Lenas, not being able to sit up on her own anymore.

"Do you feel better then yesterday or no?"

Lena heard her mumble something along the lines of "dying" and she was quick to look at her.

"Kara Zor-El, you are not dying"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm gonna take you to my lab okay?"

"Okay Dr. Kieran"

"That's my good girl, come on"

Kara let herself be lifted up into Lenas arms and carried out of the house, she was almost surprised when Lena put her on her hip and opened the door with one hand, but she realized she was weak and didn't have her powers, she was probably lighter than usual.

She sighed when she felt the cold seat against her hot body, Lena had put her in the passenger seat this time but, she made sure to lay the seat all the way back.

Once she was sure Kara was safe and somewhat comfortable, Lena got into the car and drove to L-Corp, driving fast yet steady.

Out of nowhere Kara let out a loud cry of pain, Lena gasped when she saw a sudden bruise appear under Karas right eye, then another one right under her jaw.

"Oh my God"

She had to pull into the lower level parking lot that led straight to the basement, this seemed to be much worse than she thought.
After successfully getting Kara into the lab and on the medical bed, she had to put an IV in her to keep her hydrated while she drew her blood.

Kara seemed to be going in and out of consciousness, something Lena noticed during the process of testing her blood.

She was calmly waiting for the machine to get done analyzing the blood sample but then she realized that Kara hadn't opened her eyes in a while so she had to get up just to check on her.

"Okay you're breathing, but there's bruises all over you, just appearing out of thin air, I might need to put you in a gown baby"

Karas eyes snapped up at her, catching her off guard but at least letting her know that she was still with her.

"Help me?"

The question was soft, but only because Karas voice couldn't get any louder, it was too sore.

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