Changes (2)

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"Lena you don't mean that, you can't let people get in your head like that, if anyone deserves love on this messed up planet it's you, look at what you've been through Lee, look at what you've survived, there's no way I'm going to let you go now, I just got you, and I'm not going home either, we don't need a break, right now we need each other, we need each other more than ever, please, please don't do this"

Lena sighed softly and pulled Kara into her arms, giving her a tight hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it baby I'm never going to leave you"

Kara hugged her tighter, scared that if she let go she might try to leave her again, and that's something she didn't know she was afraid of until now.


"Yes Kara?"

Kara pulled away from the hug and led Lena a nearby bench, holding her hand.

"I need to tell you something okay?"


"Please just let me get it out, please"

Lena nodded softly and gestures for her to continue.

"Lena- Lena I just got you, literally, I don't plan on letting you go again, breaks are unhealthy for us, we can't even go 3 days without each other Lena, I get how you feel, I promise you I do but you can't let people get in your head, I can't believe you think you're not important, if you weren't important I wouldn't be ready to kill for you, you're my everything, of course I'm going to defend you, you're fragile, whether you like to admit or not, you know I've only seen you cry twice? You hold everything in and when you're ready to let it all go, you do it in the wrong way and to the wrong people, you've gotta talk to me Lena, I get you want me to be happy but I can't be happy unless I know you're happy too, I see it Lena you're suffering inside and it kills me to know that I haven't fixed that yet, you have to let me in more, I know you think you have but you haven't, because if that was the case you wouldn't have just tried to throw us away, so please, just talk to me, if you want to cry I'm not going to tease you for it, you can't be tough all the time Lee, you have to break those walls sometimes, it's unhealthy and more importantly unsafe, now talk to me, tell me how you feel"

Lena took a deep breath and looked down at her lap, playing with her fingers. "I feel like you could do better, I'm damaged Kara, And although you make me feel things I never thought I could feel, I still feel like I'm not enough, whether that's for you or for anyone else, a lot of people out there hate me, they want me dead or in jail just because of my last name, and now that they know I'm gonna marry you they're gonna do the same thing to you, being with me is going to ruin your life, you can be out there helping people in need, doing something better with your life, you don't need me, I'm only bringing you down, you've never been violent, ever, I'm changing you and it's not in a good way, I don't want you to feel like you have to be here for me, all I'm good for is money, when I try to do good people still find a way to make me seem like a villain, maybe I really am a villain after all, maybe I should act like my mother or my brother, maybe I just deserve death"

"Lena, look at me"

"Kara I'm not in the mood for-"

"Look at me"

Lena looked up to meet Karas now sad eyes, her usually bright blue eyes were now dark and cloudy, tears waiting to spill over.

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