Comforting Kara

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Lenas POV
Lena had left her office not even an hour after James had left. She just couldn't believe him right now. She had tried texting Kara but she got no response, Now she was starting to get worried. As she walked towards the car door that was being held open for her she felt her phone vibrate.

Kara😍: Im fine, I just took a walk
Lena💚: Are you sure? You know me and James have nothing going on right?
Kara😍: I don't really care, I just need to clear my head, don't wait up for me at home

Lena sighed as she read the text, she knew the younger girl was upset, but for her to say she didnt care, that kind of hurt.

As the driver pulled up to her and kara's cozy home, Lena noticed the lights were off. Kara really didn't come home. Lena ran to the door to avoid the rain and opened it as quickly as possible, waving a thank you to her driver before closing the door. She changed into an old college hoodie and shorts before relaxing on the couch. After a few minutes of watching the rain she fell asleep, I mean who wouldnt after a stressful day like that.

Karas POV
Stupid James. She thought. She was currently stuck in the rain, soaking wet, cold and walking home. Lena was defininetly going to kill her. As she made her way to the door she peeked through the window and saw Lena on the couch, There was no way she was gonna avoid getting yelled at. Groaning, She quietly walked in the house and closed the door gently. Turning to see Lena sound asleep. "Aww" she whispered softly "poor baby looks exhausted." She quickly went to grab a blanket out of the bedroom and covered Lena with it. "Nice and comfy" she whispered, placing a kiss on the woman's head before going to get changed.

After a while Kara came out to see Lena still asleep. She decided to go to sleep as well, settling on the oppisite couch she fell asleep, hoping this would blow over in the morning.

Lenas POV
Lena woke up to the sun shining in her face and a blanket covering her. Looking over she saw Kara shivering, hair slightly wet, and red all over. "Oh my goodness" she said softly, getting up to gently wake Kara. "Sweetheart, Wake up please." In return she got a groan and Kara moving towards the other side of the couch. "Kara get up now, you're freezing, you have to get to bed." She said a little more sternly, rolling her eyes at how stubborn the younger girl was.

Kara was up in an instant, She knew that tone way too well and wasnt gonna argue no matter how upset sge was. "Im up Lena im up" she said, her nose a little stuffy. "Good girl" Lena said, raising that perfectly sculpted eyebrow "you wanna tell me exactly what you were doing last night?"
Kara had to think and fast. She had 3 choices to make. 1 she either told Lena the truth and risked minimum trouble, 2. She made up a lie and avoided any trouble, Or 3. She could waste time like she's doing now and have Lena repeat herself and risk maximum trouble. But she's a terrible liar and what if-

"Kara? You wanna tell me what you were doing last night or no?" Lenas grip on Karas thigh tightened, She didnt even realized that the older womans hand was on her thigh. "Because if you don't want to tell me then there's going to be a major problem"

Now Kara was scared, She didnt even feel sick anymore, She felt nervous, how on earth do you tell the love of your life you were crying on the roof of your job, got locked out, had to climb down and got stuck in the rain, and to top it off, accidentally hurt yourself because you're emotional and clumsy.

"Kara? Babe? You're doing it again" Lena said tilting her head, what exaxtly was Kara doing last night?

Kara sighed before blurting out everything "iwentontheroofandgotlockedoutandhadtoclimddownanditstartedrainingandifellofftgesecondfloorrailingandhurtmysideallbecauseofstupidjames!"

Lena examined the younger girl closely, red in the face, teary eyes, wet hair, laying in a slightly weird position, the girl had hurt herself, in fact, the story explains everything, Lena wanted to be mad, mad at the girl for being so stupid, but she couldnt, the girl was hurt, and not just emotionally, and Lena couldnt help but blame herself this time.

"Kara honey, Take off your shirt"

"W-what?" Kara said, blushing immediately

Lena chuckled softly, looking straight into those baby blue eyes "Take off your shirt for me"'

"I-i don't think, why should- Wait for you? You want me to- I mean of course you do, why would you have asked if you didnt want me to take my shirt off?  Kara was babbling now, Playing with her hands and avoiding looking at Lena.

Lena couldnt help but smile at the blonde, she loved how she could effect the girl with just one sentence.

"You want me to help you take it off or you got it?"

"You're gonna help me?" Kara gripped the couch tightly at the thought of Lena taking her shirt off, she thought she might have a stroke, how did they even get on this subject?

Lena always knew when the girl was in deep thought, so she decided to take matters into her own hands and slowly unbutton the girls shirt.

"Oh" Kara whispered softly, looking down at the woman.

Lena looked up at the girl, unbuttoning the rest of her shirt before looking down at her stomach. "Oh my God, Kara"

Kara groaned, She saw the bruise last night and hoped it would just magically go away over night. "I know I Know, It's fine I don't even feel it"

Lena ran her fingers over the bruise, making the younger girl immediately suck her stomach in, She knew there was a bruise somewhere, she just didn't expect it to be so huge. "Well you  obviously feel it Kara, How long were you gonna try and hide this?"

"Until it went away?" Kara whispered, knowing that was the wrong thing to say

"What?! Kara i could hit you right now" Lena said before going to grab an ice pack and a bandage, They already had those handy because Kara is always putting herself in dangerous situatuons.

"Please don't, I was only kidding" Kara said, she couldnt help but stare at the older girls legs, she could literally die right now, Lena was so beautiful.

Lena made her way back to the couch, pressing the ice pack on the bruise which made Kara sit up immediately

"Fuck that's freezing!"

Lena laughed softly, wrapping the bandage around the girl to keep the ice pack in place "Swearing is bad Kara we've talked about this"

Kara rolled her eyes at this, "Let me rub an ice cube over your stomach and see how you react"

Lena smirked at the girls comment, "I would love for you to do that, Let me go get the ice" She said, about to stand up before Kara pulled her down

"No! I was joking, stop doing that" She pouted, pushing Lena slightly

"Or maybe you should watch your mouth?" Lena challenged, raising an eyebrow

Kara rolled her eyes at the older girl "This is gonna be a longgg day"

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