Christmas Rehearsal's

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For the next couple of days we've all been studying for our finals which are going to be a pain the in the ass but nonetheless we have to push through this, not to mention me and Weiss had tryouts this weekend and rehearsals start on the 21st sooo yeah this is going to be a long stressful ass week.

Mini time skip to the December 21st.

After we all finish our last exam at noon so we bust through the door of our dorm room and we all crash into our beds from many sleepless nights. After a four hour nap I feel someone shaking me lightly.

Blake: Y/N wake up you have rehearsal's today. *After hearing her sweet beautiful voice I force myself to wake up*

Y/N: Blake, what time is it? *I say in a sleepy voice*

Blake: It's four o clock and rehearsal's start at five.

Y/N: *Yawns* Thanks for waking me up Blakey.

Blake: *she smiles* Your welcome, now go get ready while I go back to sleep. *she starts to walk back to her bed*

Y/N: W-wait did you only wake up just to make sure I make it to rehearsals. *she stops right next to her bedside and try to hide her face*

Blake: I-I j-just didn't want you to be late I-is a-all.

Y/N: *I smile* W-well, as a thank you why don't we go to that tea cafe that you've been talking about lately.

Blake: Y-yeah for sure, break a leg Y/N. 

Y/N: Thanks.

She goes into her bed and wraps herself in her bedsheets. I start to walk towards the restroom before I stop and notice how peaceful she looks in her bed, I smile and I go in the restroom to wash my face and I change into an ugly Christmas sweater and a Santa hat after that I notice that Weiss is still sleeping so I walk over to her bed to wake her up.

Y/N: *I shake her lightly* Weiss wake up we have to rehearsals in like an hour.

Weiss: hmm f-five m-more m-minutes *she says in a sleepy voice*

Y/N: Trust me ice queen there's nothing I would rather be doing right now other then sleeping, but If you don't wake up I'll pour cold water on you.

Weiss:*She groans in frustration and throws a pillow at my face* F-fffine wait for me outside let me change quickly. 

I nod at her and I go into the hallway. After waiting for fifteen minutes Weiss finally comes out, wearing a Christmas sweater with her name on it literally and a Santa hat.

Y/N: Is there anything you don't own that doesn't have your name on it *I say playfully before she smack me on the top of my head* ow!

Weiss: Stop being a dolt and let's get going.

Y/N: Alright, alright but shouldn't we get something eat first. *on cue both of our stomachs growl*

Weiss: *she blushes in embarrassment* Y-you have a point, fine but we have to be fast because I don't want to be late.

Y/N: Don't worry, princess we still have time.

She quickly forms glyphs under our feet as we speed of towards the cafeteria to grab a quick bite after that we speed of towards the amphitheater. When we arrived I notice that we have twenty minutes left the spare.

Y/N: You see I told you that we will make it on time ice queen.

Weiss: *evil smirk* Oh please, if it wasn't for your girlfriend waking you up we wouldn't be here right now, now would we.

Y/N: *I blush and look away* B-Blake's n-not m-my g-girlfriend. Not yet at least *I say that last comment under my breath*

Weiss giggles and we both start to make our way were everyone else is at and we take our sits, we begin to talk to team CFVY when Professor Ozpin walks in wearing a a ugly Christmas suit with a Santa hat, Christmas light necklace, and his cane appears to be wrapped in wrapping paper. I turn to Weiss and Coco whispering.

Y/N: Who knew that Professor Ozpin would go all out with his outfit.

Coco: I know right but honestly it really looks good on him.

Weiss: In our words he get Coco's famous fashion seal of approval.

Y/N: You guys are so extra I swear.

Velvet: Trust me it's not something that Coco usually gives out.

Ozpin: I can see that everyone is here so I'll keep this brief you've all have been chosen to be apart of Beacon's annual Christmas sing off with that being said I hope you all take this role as serious as your studies but also having some fun along the way. *He pauses and takes a sip from his holiday theme mug and bring out a scroll tablet and clicks on it as it appears on the screen above us* As you all can see I have taken the liberty to asign everyone to which order they will go in and as you tell some of you will be singing more then once and some will be either be singing, solo, in duos, or as a group. *takes another pause to drink his coffee* That being said you all have been given the list of songs that you will singing if you have any concern's please let me know. Now let's begin shall we.

After Ozpin's speech we all get up and head back stage to start practicing or singing and choreographing our dancing because apparently some of us have to dance while singing yay how fun. As I was practicing the list of songs that I will be singing I notice that me and Weiss will be singing "All I want for Christmas is you" Then I see Weiss walking up to me with a disappointing face.

Y/N: Weiss is everything ok.

Weiss: *sigh* I just really wanted to sing this song on my own rather then it being a duet and it's not because of you its because, it's because.

I see that her blushing and looking away and thats when it clicks in my mind.

Y/N: Weiss is there someone special coming to see you perform and you wanted to express how you feel through this song.

Weiss: Y-yes.

Y/N: I see, *evil smirk payback time ice queen* It wouldn't happen to be a little ros- 

She quickly turns around and covers my mouth and drags me into our dressing room locking that door.

Weiss: W-who t-told y-you that.

Y/N: Huh *raising my eyebrow*

Weiss: Don't play dumb with me you dolt who told you that I-I *she turn around crossing her arms* l-like R-Ruby *she says very quietly*

Y/N: Weiss no one told me anything honestly I was just joking around, but come to think of it *my eyes widen remembering small gestures that the white rose pair would make with each other* I can't believe that I didn't see it sooner I'm sorry Weiss I didn't mean to offend you.

Weiss: *she turn around* You didn't offend me just please promise to keep this a secret until I feel ready to tell her myself ok.

Y/N: *I place my hand on her shoulder* Don't worry Weiss your secret's safe with me ok and hey if you need some help or advice on what to do I'm more then willing to help you out alright.

 She gives me a quick hug which catches me of guard because she usually isn't this affection with any of us but I reciprocated her hug. We stop hugging before she say.

Weiss: Thank you Y/N and your secrets safe with me too, also if you need any help with a certain feline just let me know.

Y/N: *I blush a little* A-alright.

Weiss: Now shall we go back to rehearsals and show Beacon the best duet in the school.

Y/N: *I smile* Yeah lets show them that we're the best. 

We go back to where we were at and we start to practice our songs together determined to knock Beacon's socks off and impress our crush's.

Blake, All I Want For Christmas Is YouKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat