It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

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With only a week left until Christmas everyone around the Beacon is currently hard at work decorating classrooms, offices, hallways, and their own dorm rooms. But our story brings us to a specific dorm room team RWBY.


Team Rwby and I are currently decorating in our dorm room, Ruby is helping Weiss putting up the Christmas lights around the room while me and Blake are putting up stocking and other decors and Yang is on her way with the Christmas tree since she said she could use the arm "workout". But this year feels special because I'm spending Christmas with my teammates people who I grew to care about a lot, their like family to me, but I grew to fall for one of them in particular a certain kitty cat named Blake Belladonna. I finish putting up some decorations when I see Blake struggling to put hers up I walk up to her.

Y/N: H-here let me help you with that *as I put some tape on the decor*

Blake: *she hides her face a little and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear* T-thanks Y/N, who knew decorating could be so much fun but also super stressful.

Y/N: *I chuckles a little* Yeah but it's worth it in the end, just look.

We both look around the room to see how beautiful it looks, but nothing could look as beautiful as Blake.

Ruby: Alllright mission complete *as she lays on Weiss's bed*

Weiss: You dolt have you forgotten that we're still waiting for Yang to bring the tree.

Ruby: whoops hehe.

Blake: Which means more decorating ohhh joy.

Y/N: Aw come on Blakey it's not that bad, I'm sure if we all work as a team we'll be done in no time.

Weiss: Well said Y/N.

Just then we heard a knock on the door.

Blake: I'll get it

She walks towards the door and opens it to reveal Yang holding a Christmas tree with one arm Yang walks in and places the tree on the base, as everyone stares in awe at how big the tree looks.

Ruby: Yang how did you find such a perfect tree?

Yang: *she shrugs her shoulders* I have my ways, by the way the room looks lit af.

Everyone groans at her pun while she chuckles a little.

Ruby: Alright team lets get to work but first *she turns to me* Y/N if you would.

I take out my scroll and click on my Christmas song playlist and Christmas songs start to play on our mini bluetooth speaker as we all get to work. After a 3rd quarter of decorating "All I want for Christmas is you" starts playing.

Everyone: Thats my favorite song *we all start to sing as a group while decorating, as we're singing and having fun I sneak some glances over to Blake when the song says "all I want for Christmas is you" *me thinking I wish you knew how I really feel Blake* but Yang catches me staring at Blake durning that verse and nudges my rib cage saying.

Yang: Looks like I know what to get you for Christmas *she winks at me, making me blush bright red. Once the song finishes we finished decorating the tree and we all stare at it in awe, Blake notices me blushing and ask*

Blake: Hey Y/N do you feel ok your face is red? *the whole team turns to see me blushing*

Y/N: Y-yeah I-I feel pine I mean fine. *everyone looks in shock since puns are more Yangs thing*

Blake: Are you sure.

Y/N: Y-yeah just hot in this sweater hehe I'm going to the restroom to put on a lighter sweater. (I grab a lighter sweater and head to bathroom, I lock the door and I slide down the door)

Y/N: Shit I hope she doesn't know but now I have Yang to worry about, hopefully she doesn't say anything *I quickly change and exit the bathroom and walk over to my air mattress on the floor*

Ruby: Guys why don't we do a secret Santa since it's our first Christmas together it'll be so much fun please. *she pouts and gives everyone puppy dog eyes*

Weiss: What's secret Santa.


Weiss: That's why I'm asking you dolt.

Yang: Basically we all write on names on a piece of paper and we put them into a hat and one by one we draw a name from the hat and whoever's name we get is the person we buy a present for but we are not allow to say who got until we give them the present on Christmas Day.

Weiss: Oh, hmmm sure why not it might be fun.

Ruby: Yay *she hugs Weiss but she just pats Ruby on her head*You'll not regret it

Blake: Is there going to be a spending limit or are we allow to buy whatever we want no matter the price.

Y/N: In the past when I've done this we usually have a spending limit up two hundred lien but I don't know it's up to Rubes. *Ruby let's go of Weiss and says*

Ruby: A spending limit would be ideal but at the end of the day the price of the gift doesn't matter its the thought that counts sooooo no spending limit choose at your own expense literally.

Yang: Awwww looks like my little sis is growing up *as she puts Ruby in a bear hug*

Ruby: Yang..... can't....... breath. *she lets go of Ruby*

Yang: Whoops sorry.

Then we all get a piece of paper and we write our names on it and we fold them before putting it in the hat, then Ruby mixes all the papers and puts the hat on the desk.

Ruby: Sooooo who wants to go first?

Y/N: I'll go *I get up from the floor and make my way to the hat and I put my hand in the hat digging around Please get Blake, please get Blake, please get Blake I say in my mind*

I get a piece of paper and I open it and see's Blake's name on it I smile and I put the paper in my pocket and I go back to sit on the floor. The next one to go was Blake followed by Yang, Weiss, and Ruby. After we all finish drawing our names we all walk to the cafeteria to get some dinner. Me and Blake were at the back of the group and she says.

Blake: S-so Y/N a-are you going to enter in Beacon's Christmas sing off try outs are this weekend.

Y/N: A-actually y-yes I was thinking of joining but I don't know what songs to sing, have any suggestions kitten.

Blake: *she blushes at her nickname and lightly punches my shoulder* D-dont c-call me that in public, and as what songs you could sing *she places her finger on her chin thinking* I think you could sing "All I want for Christmas is you" since you have a great voice for it.

Y/N: T-thanks Blakey I didn't notice that you liked my voice that much hehe.

Blake: *she giggles a bit as she turn away a bit to hide her face* Y-your welcome and as for the rest songs hmm, why don't you surprised me.

Y/N: *Is she blushing? I wonder if she feels the same way I do* Yeah for sure, and trust me I'll knock your socks off.

Blake: looking forward to it.

Blake, All I Want For Christmas Is YouWhere stories live. Discover now