Chapter Twenty Six

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Monday morning found me in the office working with my sales team and my designers to get through all the orders we had received. That's to say that the weekend had been successful and it was time to get into work and deliver all the requested designs. I hadn't had a break since morning and my feet were killing me but it was worth it. It didn't help that David and I had spent the whole weekend indoors going at it like rabbits. I was definitely sore but a good kind of sore that I enjoyed.

I'd filed a report against Derek on Saturday morning and gotten a restraining order. He wasn't allowed to come close to me or any of my family members. I just hoped that I had succeeded in getting him out of our lives once and for all. Derek was bad news and after the stunt he had pulled at the party I never wanted to see him ever again. He had made me feel vulnerable and scared and that was a feeling I never wanted to go through again in the arms of a man.

David and George had wanted to go after him and personally hunt him down but I stopped them. I didn't want to loose both of them to jail because of a man who wasn't worth it. The police were still looking for him so he could answer for his crimes of assaulting me but he was still in the wind. I just prayed they found him soon so I could put the whole fiasco behind me.

"Hey best friend."Kim greeted strutting into my office like it was her bedroom.

"Kimmy hey ." I teased knowing she hated being called that as proven by the scowl on her face.

She took a seat on the sofa in my office making herself comfortable.

"Don't call me that. It makes me feel twelve years old." She scolded.

"Okay sorry. What brings you by?" I asked giving her my attention.

"Can't I just drop by to say hello to my bff?" She asked and I knew she was lying.

"On a Monday morning?" I asked.

"You're right. I just wanted to check up on you after the incident on Saturday. George filled us in and even though he assured us you were okay I wanted to make sure for myself." She replied looking genuinely concerned.

Sometimes, like at the moment I got to see the kind and humane side of Kim when she wasn't acting like a snob. I appreciated the fact that she cared about me because I cared about her too.

"I'm okay. Thanks for checking up on me. I'll be perfectly okay when tv catch Derek. No offense to you and your family." I replied.

"Derek is a grown man with a full brain. He messed up all on his own so he'll have to carry the cross of his actions alone. His parents honestly just want him out of their hands and if that means jail then so be it." She explained and I nodded.

"They'll have to catch him first." I replied solemnly.

"They will don't worry before he does any more damage." She said and before I could even reply there was a knock on my door.

I invited them in and it was my Diana my PA.

"What is it Diana?" I asked looking at the scared look on her face.

"Miss you need to turn in your TV." She requested and I looked at her puzzled.

"Huh? What's up?" I inquired getting a chill down my spine that it was not good news.

Instead of replying she picked up the remote for the TV mounted on the wall that I rarely watched at turned it on. She scrolled through a few channels before finding the one she was looking for and turning up the volume.

It was a local tv station common for entertainment and local gossip on celebrities. I had been on it a few times so I didn't see the big issue. Currently there was a lady speaking with a picture of me and David on the furthest corner during the afterparty. He was hugging me from the back, my back pressed to his front his hands around my waist. He was looking at me with adoring eyes and I was staring at our joined hands. It was a good picture so I didn't understand what the big deal was.

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