Chapter Twenty Five

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I was putting on my shoes for the after party when the curtains part open and David walked in. He kneeled in front of me, pushed my hands away before he began doing the straps of the shoes himself. I'd changed my outfit to a red maxi dress that swept the floor with a no sleeves and a turtle neckline. I had a pale pink flower crown to complete the look and simple red heels to make me look a few inches taller.

"So I have an ego huh?" He asked me and I chuckled.

"I'm sorry it was a joke." I replied.

He leaned up and looked at me so we were at eye level.

"I know. You were great out there. I'm so proud of you." He congratulated and smiled at me.

"Thank you baby." I replied and leaned in to kiss him his face clasped in between my hands.

His hands were on my thighs and soon enough he pulled me up with him and turned around so he was sitting and I was on his lap. We got into a fierce little make out session that had us both breathless and wanting more. When his hands bunched up my dress and starting inching up to my thighs I knew that I had to stop him before we had sex in the middle of the changing rooms surrounded by my staff. I was all for spontaneous sex but I wasn't exactly quiet and I didn't want people hearing my man moaning in pleasure.

"Babe we have to stop." I moaned into his ear.

"No." He breathed and gripped my thighs tighter making me purr.

"Please. We both have to get upstairs for the after party and we're not exactly alone."I replied and pulled his face away from neck so he was looking at me.

His gaze was all dark and dangerous with lust and it took everything in me not to let him have his way with me.

"Later I promise." I assured him and he nodded at me.

He kissed me passionately one more time before we both got up and straightened out our clothes. My make up was smudge free so it was still intact even after David had tried eating my face off. After making sure we were both presentable we walked out my arm wrapped around his.

All my models who had been under the age of eighteen had been taken home after the show by a few chauffeured cars. Everyone else was free to join the party if they wanted to. David led me to the elevator and pressed the rooftop button. Kind of like that night he took me out. Best night ever.

A few minutes later we walked into the well light rooftop where everyone was busy drinking or dancing to the music. It was all smiles and I couldn't help but smile at myself. We stood away from people's gazes and observed for a while knowing when everyone spotted us there would be no break.

"You ready for this?" I asked David.

"Nope but I have you so I'm good." He replied looking at me fondly and I swooned.

What better reply than that? A waiter walked past and I grabbed two glasses of champagne for us. I wasn't going to drink it but people tended to hug you less if you had a drink in hand. David took a sip of his and grimaced. I knew he preferred beer to wine but there was none of that served tonight and besides he had to drive us home afterwards.

"Just smile and be your charming self." I advised him before we stepped forward into the light.

The lead singer of the band playing noticed me and announced our entrance.

"The lady of the night ladies and gentlemen and the lucky man who succeeded in sweeping her off her feet. Let's welcome Anisha and David." He yelled into the microphone and everyone turned to look at us and started clapping.

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