Chapter 22 - Charlotte

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I don't really know how my life has amounted to this, first Parker Kingston breaks my heart and dates or fake dates, not really sure what that is, Mckenna bloody Jacobs and now JT the biggest rapper in the world is standing in my apartment living room asking if I like his disguise. JT and his manager talk through all the details of me interning with their team and how it will all work for university credit. It's all planned out in colour coordinated binders and a hard copy as his manager types away every we are saying and then they get me to sign a few pages here and there. "So that's it girl, welcome to team!" JT smiles at me and Georgia squeals, "Amaze!" JT laughs, "I liked that accent," he comments towards a very flushed Georgia. I can see JT looking Georgia up and down, the way he did when he first saw me in that green dress and I feel slightly jealous. "Wait, do I have to move? How will that part work?" I interrupt JT's gaze with Georgia. "You can stay here and work remotely and we can do it via online meetings or you can move to LA with me for a period, up to you?" JT smiles at me. "I have two months left at school, I think I want to finish that here, with Georgia," I say looking at Georgia, who grins back at me.

I decided that I wanted to be the one to show JT the sights of Edinburgh, since I assumed that he hadn't actually seen much other than the airport. It always blows my mind how Americans react when they see a castle, something I frequently take for granted. "We can go to the top and see the view of the city," I smile at JT who is fixated on the castle, "Y'all can just go up there?" he asks in confusion. I grab his hand and pull him towards the hill that takes us to the top. I'm still surprised that no one has twigged on that JT is JT, his disguise seems to be working. "And this is Edinburgh," I say with a smile opening my arms to the view. JT is speechless I can tell, his mouth is wide open like a goldfish and his eyes are huge. "It's beautiful," he finally says. "I know," I whisper back. I look up to JT and he looks down to me, and we hold eye contact and I can see he's about to smile. I got those feeling again, butterflies. "I don't want you to take this the wrong way but I've been wanting to do this since New Year's" JT says, not breaking eye contact with me but not leaning closer to my face and kisses me. A bright flash ruins the moment and I know now what a bright flash means, paparazzi. Then all of a sudden we see a mob of paparazzi running up the hill towards us, all in the hopes of catching the biggest rapper in the world in Edinburgh. "Hold my hand and don't let go," JT says as he grabs my hand and literally almost pulls me down the hill, not even stopping as we run through the paparazzi and into a blacked out car on the street.

Just like what happened with Parker the photo of my kissing JT surfaces on the internet, and quickly makes front news on the gossip sites. I just know I'm going to get pulled apart by the fangirls, first Parker and now JT, they're going to call me all kinds of names. Just as I expected my phone starts to buzz, the first text is from Jake, 'JT?! You're kissing JT???" I don't even want to respond right now, my own brother is even questioning what my life is. "Man, I hope Parker don't take this the wrong way, he's a homie," JT says, breaking the silence between us. Shit. I hadn't even thought of what Parker will think when he sees this photo, not only have I kissed his friend but it's all over that I kissed his friend now. 'Charlotte can I say something?" JT asks me, pulling me out of my thoughts of Parker, "Yeah?" I reply. "I want to do this, me and you but I want to do it properly. I know you felt what I felt on New Year's and I haven't stopped thinking about you since. Just give it a thought and let me know, I don't really have time for games," JT blurts out. Straight to the point there, no messing around. The boy knows what he wants and is already protecting his heart. "I want that too," I say without really thinking about what I just said. I still love Parker and here's me agreeing to be with JT, a guy I hardly know in the hopes I will be distracted from Parker. A huge smile takes over JT's face as he pulls me closer to him and gives me a powerful kiss.

*2 months later*

"Charlotte, you're going to be late to your graduation if you don't hurry up!" my mum shouts at me. "I know, I know I just can't get my hair to go right," I grumble back at her. It's okay for mum, her hair is always straight and she doesn't have to deal with attempting to tame a birds nest. "Babe, don't worry your hair looks amazing as always, and so do you," JT says, boosting my confidence. JT fits in so well with my family, once Jake got over his star struck phases and began to actually just be himself it was perfect. "I suppose I should probably do this thing then," I say shrugging my shoulders and walking into the living room where all my family are looking at me. The thought of actual graduation knocked me sick, having to walk on the stage in front of all of those people, which sounds even more ridiculous as I'm becoming quite the celebrity myself, and JT is not afraid to show me off in front of everyone, unlike Parker.

"See, that wasn't so bad was it!" Jake smiles at me, as he gives me a huge hug. "Extra points for not falling over," my dad chimes in. "We need to hurry up for the train, we knew this would be tight!" my mum shouts as she ushers us all towards the taxi. My mum has organized a big party for my graduation since I'm about to move to LA for some time to work with JT, well she says it's a graduation party but I feel like it's a goodbye party, she just doesn't want to admit that. Once we arrive in London, the time schedule is quite tight and I only have half an hour to fix myself up a bit before the family starts to arrive. I look at myself in my childhood bedroom in the same mirror I used to get dressed in every day and pause. The picture of me and Parker catches the corner of my eye and a wave of sadness takes over. Knocking on the door, shakes me out of my sadness. "Come in!" I shout. JT walks in, with his arms open and smiling at me. "I'm so proud of you Charlotte," he says as he kisses the top of my head. "Oh God, I haven't interrupted a moment have I?" my mum awkwardly asks and JT laughs, shaking his head. "I just want to let you know, because if I had of told you before the party you would have never of agreed to this...Parker is coming, he is like family after all." My mum says not breaking eye contact with me. My legs feel like jelly, and I feel sick, I try to say something but my mouth is like sand. 

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