Chapter 26 - Parker

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The car ride is awkward, not even the radio can save us from this atmosphere. I want to stop the car and be all over Charlotte, covering every single part of her body in kisses. I want her to feel how sorry I am and how much I love her but the harsh reality of this silence is a reminder I shattered that trust. Her phone begins to ring and I glance down and see it's her precious JT calling, instead of answering she awkwardly fumbles with her phone and doesn't answer, not sure if it's to not hurt my feelings or the guilt eating her up inside about our little kiss. "You could have answered that," I say, tightening my grip on the steering wheel, keeping my eyes firmly on the road. Charlotte fidgets in her seat, squirming with awkwardness, "No, no it's alright, i'll just call later," she says trailing off the end of her sentence. I know Charlotte well enough to know that when she is fidgeting none stop that something is bothering her and although the drive home is only fifteen minutes, she hasn't stopped moving. "There we go," I say slightly relieved, pulling round the corner to Charlotte's street. She pauses before opening the door and places her hand on my knee and for the first time looks me in the eyes with those big brown eyes, "I don't know what I'm doing Parker," she says as tears fill her eyes. It hurts to see her cry, it really fucking does and it's my fault she is crying. I undo my seatbelt and move to comfort her but she shudders away and places her hand on the door handle, "Thanks for the lift," she says with a weak smile and tears still in her eyes.

"Parker, sweetie come on, you don't have to leave so soon! You don't know what Charlotte will do..." my mum says as she annoyingly unpacks all my clothes I've just packed. "Look mum, it's pretty clear what Charlotte is going to do and I am telling you now that I am not that decision. Now stop unpacking all my fucking clothes, I'm going back to New York to be with dad, and so should you!" I snap at her which causes a powerful slap to my face. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again, you hear me Parker, just because you ruined your relationship does not mean you talk to your mother like that, I raised you better," she sternly says before leaving my hotel room. I keep checking my phone for messages or a call from Charlotte and hours have passed and still nothing. This is it Parker, you've lost her, just get on that plane and pretend she doesn't exist, you can do that, you're Parker Kingston for fuck sake. I grab my suitcase, throw on my baseball cap and swing my backpack over my shoulder before heading to my mum's hotel room to tell her I'm leaving.

I keep my head down in the airport and play my music on full volume so all the noise of the airport is drained out and just pray that some fangirl doesn't spot me. 'I land at midnight JFK can you collect me?' I text my dad as my flight is called for boarding, 'See you then,' my dad replies. I toy on if I should let Charlotte know I've left or maybe Jake so he can tell her. Just as I put my phone in my pocket some woman pulls on my headphones, I turn around swiftly to see who has the audacity to do such a thing, "You're right, it's time to go home," much to my surprise mum says as she squeezes my hand. 

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