Chapter 2- Charlotte

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I don't really know why I left the room, I haven't even seen Parker in five years and I haven't spoken to him since Christmas that year but why am I now all of a sudden bothered? I can hear Georgia placing her plate in the sink and I hear her footsteps walk past my room and then pause outside of my door. Part of me wants her to knock on the door and force me to talk about whatever the fuck just happened there and part of me wants her to just leave me alone for the night. Georgia must be having the same dilemma in her head as I hear the floor boards' creek with each little foot placement. Finally she walks away but my phone pings and I smile as I see its from Georgia, "He's not even that cute anyways, plenty of other fish in the sea!" the text reads. I decide it's time to have a little research on my old friend Parker, I simply type his name into google, something I haven't really done before as well, he's always just been Parker to me, nothing out of the ordinary but suddenly the whole world is in love with him. I quickly find myself in a loophole, I'm weirdly captivated by him, it feels like I don't even know him anymore. I knew I was going to make my feelings worse when I stumbled across an interview on YouTube between him and his co-star Mckenna Jacobs. She's beautiful and I mean absolutely breathtaking, her long blonde hair effortlessly curled, her perfect aligned teeth that beam when she smiles and laughs at the questions, each time placing her hand on Parker's lap. I read the comments on the video all shipping or whatever it is they call it, Parker and Mckenna. 'Marker is real look at the way he looks at her' and 'omg the way she touches Parker's lap' are all in the comments. I get this weird surge of jealously as I compare my almost black hair that's shoved on top of my head in the messiest bun you could imagine, I don't have an ounce of makeup on and I'm always hiding behind baggy clothing, which my mother always says doesn't help with the fact I am already tall.

I continue to watch the video anyways until it really strikes a nerve, "So Parker how are you as a boyfriend in real life?" the interviewer asks and Parker laughs, "I've never had a girlfriend or anyone remotely close to becoming my girlfriend," he says. I stopped listening after that, I even had to rewind the interview a few times to make sure I heard that correctly and it hurt even more each time I did rewind it. After that I close YouTube, scowling at myself for even putting me through that heartbreak. I decide Instagram is a good way to distract my mind and have an aimless scroll before going to sleep but I somehow find myself on Parker's page. He's not all too active, about one or two posts a month and then that little voice inside my head tells me to search my name in his following, praying I still see my name there. I type in 'Charlotte Gray' and I am quickly shown 'User Not Found'. Ouch. It looks as though Parker has completely forgotten about me. I am completely restless after that and I want to tell Georgia, I really do but she just won't get it. So I text the next best thing my brother Jake. I text him a simple, "Parker has a role in the latest Netflix movie." Jake isn't always the best at replying quickly, in fact I might as well just attempt to sleep. I'm tossing and turning for what feels like hours when my room lights up with the brightest light and I roll over to see Jake has finally replied four hours later. "Oh shit, that's wild! Big up Parker eh," is all he says. He has no idea that the boy he remembers doesn't associate with us anymore.

I slept like complete shit and Georgia knows it too, "Morning the most beautiful Charlotte," she says with a smile, handing me a cup of coffee. "Hey, sorry about last night, I don't really know what that was about, I'm just stressed with my portfolio getting done in time before break and the whole Parker thing," Georgia cuts me off before I can finish my sentence, "You don't have to explain yourself to me babe! Now get dressed, this is your last day in Edinburgh before Christmas break," she says, her voice becoming more high pitched at the end, I forgot how much she loves Christmas. I down my coffee and take a cereal bar to go and just chuck on any random outfit, it just so happens to be a large sweater and a pair of simple black leggings. My walk to campus seems longer than usual and my thoughts are still consumed with Parker. Everything I did in the art room seemed so robotic, the hours ticking away and my day chasing the sun until it is black outside. My phone buzzes interrupting me from my thoughts. It's Jake, "Mum says if you can get on the train tonight and I'll pick you up from Kings Cross. We're going to Cornwall early this year, some surprise apparently x" I pull a face at the text and simply reply okay.

Georgia gives me the biggest hug possible, squeezing me maybe a little bit too hard, "Urgh have an amazing Christmas and New Year Char, see you when you come back," she says with the sweetest smile. "You too, I'll be back before you know it! And oh," Georgia rolls her eyes and interrupts me, "and don't forget to lock the door, I know!" she laughs but her arms are folded across her chest in self-defense. I get in my Uber and head to the train station, checking Instagram like usual but I see Parker has posted an Instagram story. I don't usually care what he posts but I can't help but take a look. He's in London Heathrow airport. Oh My God.

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