Chapter 5 - Parker

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I forgot what jet lag feels like when you're in one place longer than a couple of days. That five hour difference between New York and London all of a sudden feels a lot more than that. I can barely keep up with what I'm doing or where I'm supposed to be these days, this break is exactly what I needed. I told mum that I didn't think I would be able to make it this Christmas and she took it quite hard but understood this movie is going to literally change my life. But now that I've took the time off and driving to Nanny's I suddenly realise I'm not just surprising mum but I'll have to see Charlotte again.

The thought of having to see Charlotte again excites me but it also terrifies me, what if she doesn't want to talk to me anymore? I know fine well I should have stayed in contact with her when I moved but that got hard with different time zones and all that. My thoughts of Charlotte distract me from driving to my Nanny's so I end up aimlessly driving around Cornwall in the dark. I finally decide to find my balls and just make the drive to the cottage. I didn't even notice it was midnight, I'll just have to stay downstairs and sleep on the sofa, I don't want to scare the shit out of Jake who I share a room with when I just randomly make an appearance in the middle of the night. After attempting to sleep for a couple of hours, with plenty of tossing and turning, emphasis on the plenty, I now remember my hatred for jet lag as I am absolutely starving and decide to make myself a sandwich, this strikes me as quite funny considering its 2 a.m. I hear a creak upstairs followed by the noise of some footsteps, then a pause, then another creak, footsteps and a pause again. Why is someone awake at two in the morning and they are for sure going to go into cardiac arrest when they find out I'm home. Just as I am planning on making it known that I am indeed sat in the kitchen, to avoid a casualty, Charlotte walks straight past where I am sitting and doesn't even seem to notice me sitting at the table. I silently watch her like a creep pour some cereal in a bowl and then walk to the fridge to grab some milk. The lighting from the fridge highlights her face, her perfect cheekbones, full lips, defined curls slightly drooping in her face and is that a nose ring I can see? That's new. I realise that what I'm doing is rather creepy and Charlotte is going to get a humongous fright so I finally talk, "It's two o'clock in the morning and you're down here eating cereal?" I say with a laugh and shock horror Charlotte jumps. She doesn't turn around as quickly as I thought she would, I hope she has at least recognized my voice because if not I think I could be getting a beating. I decide I should clarify that it's me, "It's Parker, I'm not here to kidnap you or," Charlotte interrupts me before I can finish. "What the fuck are you doing here? You scared the shit out of me," she says clutching her chest.

She flicks the lights on and for the first time I see her in full. I glance at her looking her up and down, her toned legs in football shorts that aren't supposed to be that tight and a large white tee hiding her body. She tugs at her white tee attempting to pull it down further onto her shorts, as she also realizes they're too tight. My eyes are too busy gazing at her that I haven't even answered her question, "are you deaf now or just ignorant Mr. Hollywood?" she snaps at me. I stutter before I can form a sentence, "It's... it's well it's Christmas Charles" I say with a smile looking at her directly in her brown eyes. She looks back into mine, but only briefly before breaking contact. "Don't call me Charles," she snaps again at me. "Okay, sorry. It's Christmas Charlotte," I say holding my hands up in defense as I stand up and make my way towards her. I always remember Charlotte as being my height but in those five years I've been gone Charlotte must have stopped growing as I am almost a full head taller than her. She backs away from me, and I try to hide the hurt in my expression but she picks up on it. "I don't know how to act around you Parker, you fucked off for five years, didn't say a word to me and then rock up here and think you can call me Charles like old times and that everything is going to be fine between us? Because you're wrong," she says with hurt in her voice. She brushes past me with her bowl of cereal in her hand and I hear the creaking of the stairs.

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